Thursday, November 28, 2019
Untouched by Economic Slump free essay sample
The Assocham study states that the Indian deodorant and roll-on market is currently poised at about Rs 1,800 crore and is growing at about 55 percent annually. While, the perfume market is growing at about 30 percent and is currently poised at about Rs 1,500 crore, the roll on markets current size is a meager Rs 400 crore as only a handful of brands are operating in this domain. Fragrance industry in India is still at nascent stage but its rising demand is largely driven by growing awareness and preferences amid strong Indian middle-class with high disposable incomes as they do not shy away from splurging on lifestyle products to look and feel good, says Rawat. He further adds that with grooming and personal hygiene fast becoming a part of peoples accessory wardrobes, demand for fragrances is likely to escalate significantly. Rising demand for fragrances from tier II and III cities is the real growth driver of this industry as a result companies are gradually shifting their focus from metros and exploring other markets and gearing to launch a range of affordable deodorants, perfumes and colognes during summers, says Rawat. We will write a custom essay sample on Untouched by Economic Slump or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For instance, Roadies a deodorant by Karol Chemicals is doing quite well. Rajeev Kumar, marketing manager of Karol Chemicals says, A 100 ml bottle of this deodorant costs about Rs 200. The profit margin is between 25 to 30 percent, says Kumar, who has been with Karol Chemicals for the last 20 years. PRICE WARS With an increase in demand, the competition is getting tough. Saurabh Gupta, owner of Vanessa Incorporation that manufactures Vanessa deodorants for women says: In this industry a lot of players have left the market and hence, made space for new players. Due to competition, manufacturers have to bring down their retail price. These days, if a deodorant was first being sold for Rs 200, it is now being sold for Rs 195. It is a case of price war. Based out of Pusa Road the company blends their own compounds to create fragrances.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Henry of Navarre; Henry IV of France essays
Henry of Navarre; Henry IV of France essays In writing Henry of Navarre; Henry IV of France the author, Lord Russell of Liverpool endeavored not only to chronicle Henrys life but to also provide a glimpse into his character. Lord Russell would speculate as to Henrys motives behind his actions, often times backing up these speculations with Henrys own words either from letters he himself had written or from the memoirs of others close to the king. Due to this intimate look into the life and at times thoughts of the king the reader gains empathy for the monarch much as he people must have had. At the time that Henry of Navarre ascended the throne of France the country was ripe for a change. The last three kings of the Valois Dynasty, Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III were the feeblest that ever sat on the throne of France (14). Their mother, Catherine de Medici who was referred to as La Serpente in essence ruled the country. The country was nearing bankruptcy due to her spending and the Wars of Religion, which had wrought the country since the time of Francis I (1515-1547). Henrys first order of business upon becoming king was to reunite the nation and put an end to the Wars of Religion. To do this he first had to gain access to Paris, which was then controlled by the Catholic league. For nearly five years he fought many battles against the League, reclaiming towns under their control and gaining many supporters, protestant and Catholic alike. In 1593 Henry abjures the protestant faith and in 1594 reenters Paris supposedly having said, Paris is worth a Mass. However, this was not the end of his struggle to end the wars of Religion even though the League was definitely declining in power. Henry signed the Edict of Nantes in 1598 the charter of the rights and privileges of the French Protestants. (135) which would remain in effect until it was revoked in 1685 by Louis XIV. Although this di...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Questions Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Questions Assessment - Essay Example The market value of an individual’s work determines ones income which dictates the consumption levels. In this system government role is limited and is based on individual innovation and the idea that hard work is rewarded. The businesses will thus exist to make profit and competition is the key element. The entrepreneur takes a great risk with his capital since he requires a full and free availability of information on the buyers and sellers which is not always readily available. However, they have the power to choose on how they want to spend their incomes. In addition to that, the free market economic system leads to the development of monopolies and oligopolies. It influences the production and the distribution of harmful goods and services such as drugs in the economy. It also leads to social income disparities thus widening the gap between the rich and poor. As a result of the major limitations observed in the laissez- fairre system, most countries choose to conduct thei r affairs in a mixed economy. This type of economic system encompasses both the government and privately owned corporates that work together to produce goods for the consumer and solve the economic problems. A mixed economy is considered to be more effective because of the involvement of the government. It is the public sector that will influence the prices of goods to go down through its control measures thus preventing inflation and protecting the consumer. Besides this, the government ensures that income is distributed equally throughout the states. This is achieved through heavy imposition of tax on the rich than on the poor and using such money to construct social amenities throughout the country. The government is also actively involved in the prevention of monopolies by pumping money to support other competing industries as well as obtaining much money from patent owners. Prevention of entry of harmful drugs is also the key role of the government and therefore it ensures that the masses are protected at all costs. The most accepted roles of the government will include the enforcement of property rights, definition of a law system, prohibition of fraud and punishment for prohibited practices (Fernando, 2007, p.297). The state ensures that all goods produced internally are well allocated to generate investments while the private sector is mainly concerned with profit maximization. In a private sector, technology is highly applied and the revenue gained is more than that in the public sector. It may translate to failure to pay taxes or tax evasion or even the engagement in illegal acts. It is therefore the duty of the government to ensure that all taxes are paid and that illegality is exempted. Therefore, most states tend to concentrate on the mixed economy since in such there is a balance between the ownership of resources which translates to a balance in investments. In most and both cases, there is gain to the parties involved and the roles in both corr espond and interact. Question Two Forces of demand and supply determine the price level of goods and services. The intersection of the two marks the equilibrium of both demand and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Art is fun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art is fun - Essay Example This shows that art is undergoing a transformation into a multicultural platform where parties involved are sensitive to each other’s cultural issues. The distinctive observation about Donald Morgan’s work of art is that the artifacts he creates and displays around the world are culture sensitive. The artifacts he creates are based on forest imagery, objects that are familiar to individuals from all cultures. Therefore, Donald Morgan’s work is multicultural and serves to bring individuals together from various cultures in appreciating common works of art. The main focus of Donald Morgan’s multimedia presentation is the notion of manifesting diversity. The forest imagery that the presentation depicts ranges from natural to artificial objects and living to non-living objects (University of Oregon, This forest diversity represents the cultural diversity that characterizes the peoples of the world. Morgan depicts his art both through paintings an d sculptures. This serves to emphasize the concept of diversity further by utilizing diverse artistic techniques. A distinctive observation concerning Barminski’s multimedia presentation is that he employs diverse artistic techniques, which put across his message concerning gun culture. He uses sculptures as well as photos and drawings. Therefore, his artwork portrays diversity (Barminski, Both Morgan’s multimedia presentation and Coco’s performances make me feel that different people are becoming more tolerant of each other’s differences than ever before. I feel there is a realization among people all over the world that their different cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles are not significant enough to compromise their relations with each other. For example, Coco writes that a white visitor to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago was shocked to see Coco and Guillermo put in a cage like animals. Thinking they were not performing but were real aborigines, he was astonished to see people put in a cage for display to the public (Gablik, 313). This occurrence serves as a testament to the fact that western attitudes regarding cultural equality have changed significantly since several years ago, when western people used to believe their culture is superior to the rest of the world’s cultures. The performances of Coco and Guillermo had a significant impact in furthering the cause of artists of color of achieving greater representation in the world of art. However, some of the methods the two performers used to achieve their aims were unorthodox. In particular, the instant whereby the two performers mislead city officials in Spain to believe that their performance was just street entertainment in order to receive their permission was quite irresponsible of them (Gablik, 326). Their decision to downplay the political aspect of their performance almost put the city officials in trouble with their seniors. The two should have conducted all their activities with honesty and integrity. Their lack of integrity undermined the cause for which they were fighting. Donald Morgan’s multimedia presentation displayed a high degree of creativity which I found very impressive. His focus on forest imagery is quite revolutionary
Monday, November 18, 2019
Compare and Contrast the aims, strategies and personalities of Charles Essay
Compare and Contrast the aims, strategies and personalities of Charles Stewart Parnell and Daniel OConnell - Essay Example The greatest and common mission of the two personalities was to agitate for liberation of Ireland that they ended not achieving. The two personalities used various strategies in advancing their views. Some strategies were similar while others were different. Following are similarities and differences in terms of personalities, aims and strategies of the two Irish icons with relations to their political and social life. One of the similarities is that both Charles Parnell and Daniel O’Connell were children of Ireland born in Ireland. Both attained university education and were reliable members of their respective societies in the advancement of the rights and needs of their people. Daniel and Parnell had similar feelings about Ireland and wanted to see their country freed from British anarchy and enabled to practice self-rule. Despite being Catholics, the family of Daniel O’Connell also owned land, as did the Parnell family. Daniel O’Connell entered politics in 1828 as the British Member of Parliament for County of Clare1. This happened after he spent a lot of time in activism, which was contrary to Charles Parnell who entered politics short time after graduation. Same to Charles Parnell, Daniel O’Connell used the poor peasants and farmers to agitate for the advancement of his views. Charles Stewart Parnell was a remarkable Irish nationalist born on 27th June 1846 in the County of Wicklow. Parnell was the third son and seventh offspring of an Anglo-Irish father John Parnell Henry and American mother Delia Stewart Tudor. Charles Stewart Parnell gained higher education from Cambridge University. Historical records also show that Charles Parnell attained most of his education in England. In 1875 after completing his studies, Charles secured election into the parliament where he served as collaborate of the Irish
Friday, November 15, 2019
Ethical Stance for Research on Sustainable Tourism
Ethical Stance for Research on Sustainable Tourism Introduction Dr Jim Macbeth (2005, p.963), a lecturer and researcher in Australia who specialises in tourism research, has put forward the argument that, in the modern world, the stakeholders involved with the tourism industry, primarily the educators, developers and providers, need to find an â€Å"ethical†stance that will create a natural and appropriate platform for studying sustainability in tourism. To assess the validity of this assessment, one has to first consider the way that tourism research has been conducted and evolved in recent decades, together with the approach that has been used by the tourism industry in dealing with and combining the ethical and sustainability issues. From this a discussion on the relevance of ethical issues that are needed to address sustainability can be developed. Tourism Research As Dr Macbeth (2005) observes, historically, tourism research had evolved into a multi-faceted approach, which is based upon the four main threads outlined in the study conducted by Jafa Jafari (1990). In the initial stages, such research concentrated mainly upon the economic aspects of the tourism process. Being directed in this manner, the result of this research tended to emphasise the fiscal benefits that developing tourism would bring to a particular destination and the commercial organisations. However, with the increasing prevalence of the implementation of the economic research and their impact on destinations, researchers began to ask questions about the adverse social and cultural effect tourism was having. These two processes covered the tourism industry through the era of growth in mass-tourism. Alternative Tourism The third stage of tourism industry research development moved to the study of a new tourism phenomenon, alternative tourism, Initially, this was just seen and studied as a different level of tourist consumer, one whose demands and expectations were more than just the for the sun, sea and sand vocation of the mass-market vacation. These are the tourist who want independent and self-fulfilling vacations, ones that provided a unique level of escape. They were seeking the more active vacations, ones that gave the feeling of â€Å"self-autonomy and self-invention†(Cohen and Taylor, 1992, p.25) It was as a result of this movement that the educational institutions, particularly universities, became more interested in treating tourism as a bona-fide study subject. Universities increasingly offered courses aimed specifically at tourism as they took a deeper interest in the subject. Jafa Jafari (1990) was also correct in his prediction that the global educational commitment to tourism has increased at a faster rate from the date of his publication than it did previously. In addition, the educationalists, scholars and researchers have expanded the areas of their research into other and dedicated aspects of the subject. Sustainability In the last two decades two areas of tourism have attracted particular attention in educational and research, these being sustainability and ethics, in that order. Sustainability, which has been a driving focus in business for several decades, was the first area that caught the interest of tourism researchers. Initially it was approached on the basis of how to protect and maintain the attraction of destinations that were experiencing mass tourism growth. However, with the advent of increasing concerns regarding protection of the historical and natural environment, together with the increased interest in the physical damage that man was causing the climate, the scope of research into sustainability in tourism broadened significantly. Studies were conducted into ways in which destinations of historical and cultural interest could be exploited for tourism purposes, and to the economic benefit of the local community, whilst at the same time ensuring that the sites remained intact and did not become damaged or adversely affected by the increasing tourist traffic influx. Sustainability in natural destinations also received a lot of attention. The question of how one managed the dichotomy of conflicting issue that arise between the expectation and perception of the tourist consumer on the one hand, and the sustainability requirements of the destination on the other, were issues that resulted in a number of studies. For example, as Dr Macbeth (2005) has observed in terms of â€Å"wildlife†tourism, one has to decide how far to provide the natural experience of wildlife adventure that the tourists demands, whilst at the same time allowing the wildlife the ability to be sustained in their own environment. The discussion as to whether limited captivity, as is the case of the safari parks of Africa, provided a sustainable answer, namely would it still provide the experience that the tourist consumer required although not strictly a natural experience, was undertaken. One study into this specific subject by Newsome, Hughes and Macbeth (2005) showed t hat captive wildlife, seen in a natural setting, received a positive response from the tourists, fulfilling their expectations, whilst at the same time this environment offered some protection for the animals and their habitat. Similar issues and concerns have arisen regarding the tourist attraction to natural places of outstanding beauty, such as lakes and mountains. Here again, studies have concentrated on the complex issue of how to satisfy the tourism need without allowing that need to destroy the environment being enjoyed. However, problems began to develop when the theories were put into practice. As Fennell (2006, p.1) mentions in his book, a â€Å"negative backlash that has come about regarding the so-called ‘new tourism.’†One of the main reasons for this was that not all of the stakeholders involved in the tourism research were being adequately considered. As Fennell (2006, p.4) explains, there are three significant human sides to this triangle, being the tourist, the organisation that arranges the travel or vacation, and those who reside at or close to the destination. As a result of these mounting concerns, the issue of â€Å"ethics†began to arise. Ethics Ethics are codes that are derived and constructed from the moral value that is attached to an action, and they apply to every aspect of our lives. In other words the fundamental ethos of ethics dictates that the action or behaviour of a person, group or organisation should be appropriate to the issue and be seen to be conforming to the expectations of those affected by that behaviour (Fennell 2006, p.57). Like the word â€Å"sustainability†, the term â€Å"ethics†has in recent years become a featured part of the rhetoric within the business world as a whole and the tourism industry is no exception (Pearce, Moscardo and Ross 1977, p.89). Much is written in promotional material by tourism organisations about the ethics of their product and the ethical principals by which they work. In fact a plethora of ethical codes have been produced for all tourism industry stakeholders including, â€Å"codes of ethics for travellers; codes of ethics for tourists, for government, and for tourism businesses. Codes for all†¦ †(Fennell, 2006 p.241). However, partially as a result of the fact that such codes were not considered to be sufficient, and did not respond to the issues that were being raised, tourism researchers such as Jim Macbeth (2005) and others began to study how ethics should be viewed and used when dealing with the problems of sustainability within tourism. To do this meant that one had to look at ethics from the point of view of all shareholders, which, when addressing the three mentioned in Fennell’s (2006, p.4) study, meant understanding the effects that tourism policy and planning had on them. In addition there is the ethics related to the impact vacations will have upon environmental issues and how to handle these facets. In term of the application of ethics to the tourist consumer, research has to consider both aspects of these stakeholders. Not only is there the moral and ethical issue of ensuring that the tourist perceptions and expectations are honestly matched, but there is also the tourists own ethical standards and how they impact upon the success of otherwise of the sale of the destination product. The authenticity of the wildlife issue has been mentioned previously. Although, the majority of tourists considered the â€Å"captivity in natural surroundings†to be a natural wildlife experience, is it ethical for the destination to be portrayed in this manner? Similarly, is it ethical for the wildlife to be subjected to this sort of unnatural control simply to satisfy the needs of the tourist consumer? The tourist attitudes to â€Å"alternative tourism†have also changed. The tourist consumer has become more aware of the environmental issues surrounding destinations and vacations. As Pearce, Moscado and Ross (1997, p.152) explain in their study regarding the tourist relationship with the destination they are visiting, the â€Å"environmental attitudes to tourism are not held in isolation but, for some citizens, are a part of a larger environmental ethic.†An increasing number of tourists no longer expect their vacations to include all of the environmentally damaging aspects that were previously provided, neither do they expect the planners and policy makers to develop areas for vacations to the detriment of the environment; historical and cultural values. Similarly, they do expect those same persons and organisations to act towards the tourist consumer in an ethical manner. The perception is that, whilst providing the destination for vacation, this should be conducted in an ethical manner, ensuring that the correct measures are taken to ensure sustainability of the site and those communities, wildlife and natural resources that depend upon it. Brokers Brokers include all of those parties that have an interest in providing the destination and its activities to the tourist. This includes the local governments and policy makers, those who develop and maintain the sites, such as the hoteliers and attraction owners, and the sellers, being travel agents. All of these organisations need to address ethical issues that attract to the services and facilities they provide. Research has shown that many of these operators and brokers are already promoting the ethical aspect of their service, and are claiming that they have taken on board the demands of the consumer. For example there are corporations whose â€Å"Ethical tours claim to combine environmental education with minimal travel comfort, help protect local communities and environments†(Mowforth and Munt 2003, p.51). However, research and studies undertaken cast doubt on many of these claims. As Mowforth and Munt’s (2003, p.202) studies show, whilst the terms â€Å"environment,†â€Å"sustainability†and may appear in the organisation’s publicity to promote their ethical stance, it does not necessarily mean that these are factual claim. One representative, when questioned by these researchers in regards to their corporate responsibility to inform their consumers about the affect of tourism, responded that their primary task was to sell vacations. Much of the research work that Dr Macbeth (2005) has undertaken over the years, has been specifically targeted at endeavouring to create a platform which allows these organisations to address the ethical issues that face them in the provision of destinations and services, so that the claims made can be supported by genuine action. Macbeth has provided both theoretical and practical examples of how a destination can be designed in such a way that it incorporates the needs of all the stakeholders, whilst at the same time limiting the damage that can be caused by unethical methods. This includes how to involve the communities at all levels of the development of the destination and its running; ensure safety of the local environment, historical venues and places of interest; and at the same time presenting the destination in an ethically positive manner that will still address all of the tourist consumer demands and expectations and sustain tourism usage. One of the most difficult ethical issues facing tourism today is the community that live around or are involved in the destination site. This is especially true in areas such as developing countries and where there is a new destination being developed or exploited, as well as areas that have not had previous experience of such ventures within their locality. In the case of communities in and surrounding new destination developments, there are a number of ethical issues to be addressed. For example, whilst most may desire the benefit of such a development, Dr Macbeth believes that the developer has an ethical duty to ensure that the community is fully aware of the impact that the developed destination will have on their lives, environment and, potentially, their culture. It is accepted that this is not an easy task to achieve, particularly as with no previous experience by which to make a comparison, these communities may not fully comprehend the impact even when it is explained to them. Nevertheless, as the case studies and actual projects carried out by Dr Macbeth and his students have demonstrated, it is possible for such an understanding to be achieved (Jim Macbeth 1997). Community reactions are very important to the successful development of any destination site. Therefore their involvement with and acceptance of the project is important to achieve. As Pearce, Moscardo and Ross (1997, p.6) confirm, â€Å"the issue of how communities shape and respond to social and environmental changes is a driving factor in assessing community response to tourism.†Environment Finally, there is the issue of ethics in respect of the environment. In the current climate of potential threat to wildlife, dwindling natural resources, locations and the larger environmental issues, destination managers have an ethical duty to play their part in its sustainability. They also have a duty to ensure that their development does as little environmental damage as possible and contribute to the protection of the environment, rather than add destructive forces that will increase the dangers and damage. This includes such matters as energy conservation, emission control, and protection of wildlife, heritage and local communities. For example, with wildlife it is important that the planners are aware of any endangered species located within the destination target area, and ensure that the neither the development, nor the resultant tourist consumer activity can in any way add to the endangerment of that species. Ethical research It is important that, prior to the commencement of any development, research is undertaken to ensure that all of the ethical issues are addressed. The organisation needs to understand the impact that construction projects might have on the local environment, and its impact on issues such as wildlife protection and climate emissions. The research must also evaluate the effect of the development on the local population, its culture and heritage. One important proviso of the research that is undertaken is the independence of the researchers who undertake the study. Whilst, as is increasingly the case with studies and research projects that take place within universities, the planners and policy makers may contribute funding for the project, it is essential, and ethically correct to ensure that these people and organisations are able to carry out their tasks without any influence or pressure applied by those organisations. The purpose of such research is to reach a conclusion that provides for an ethical stance that all of the stakeholders can agree is desirable and, in addition, provide recommendations as to how the project and the ethical stance can be achieved and protected. In essence it should form the basis for â€Å"the purpose of identifying a template from which to aid in the development of tourism ethics.†(Fennell, p.197) Conclusion From the various researches that have been studied in the preparation of this paper, it is the author’s opinion that the hypothesis statement made by Dr Jim Macbeth is supported. There is a need for the educators and other stakeholders in the tourism industry to review the issues and construct an â€Å"ethical stance†that provides for a sustainable platform. It is equally importance that the strategy evolved from such a stance is seen to be effective and transparent to all concerned, with a determined effort to address and maintain all of the issues that constructing and maintaining a vacation destination involves. It is equally important to ensure that any studies and researches undertaken in an effort to achieve such a position are arrived at as a result of full discussion with, and involvement by all of the stakeholders involved with the product. Fennell (2006, p.346) observes, â€Å"In allowing ethics into tourism, we open the door to philosophy and the humanities.†Whilst it is accepted that this is the case, in the view of the author, there is no possibility of omitting this factor from the tourism research process. Ethics is an integral part of the tourist consumer’s human decision process. It is the stance that is taken on those ethics and the way it is approached that is important. References Butcher, Jim (2003). The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, Sand†¦ and Saving the World? Routledge. London UK. Cohen, S. and Taylor, L (1992). Escape Attempts. The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everyday Life. Routledge. New York. US. Fennell, David A (2006). Ethical Tourism. Channel View Publications. Clevedon, UK. Jacobsen Damien, Carson Dean, Macbeth Jim and Rose Simon (2005) Prosper Pilot Case Study. Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre. Queensland, Australia. Jafari, Jafar (1990). Research and Scholarship: The Basis of Tourism Education. The Journal of Tourism Studies, Vol.1, No.1. Queensland, Australia. MacBeth, Jim (2005). Towards an Ethics Platform for Tourism. Elsevier Ltd. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol 32. No. 4, pp 962-984. Oxford, UK. Macbeth, Jim (1997). Tourism, Policy and Planning in Australia and New Zealand: Issues and Cases. Irwin Publishers. Sydney, Australia. Section 3, Chapter 13. Mowforth, Martin and Munt, Ian (2003) Tourism and Sustainability. Routledge. London, UK. Pearce, Philip L., Moscardo, Gianna and Ross, Glenn F. (1997) Tourism Community Relationships. Elsevier Ltd. Oxford, UK. Cohen, S. and Taylor, L (1992). Escape Attempts. The Theory and Practice of Resistance to Everday Life. Routledge. New York, US. Newsome, D, M. Hughes and J. Macbeth (2005) Captive Wildlife Tourism in a Natural Setting: Visitor Satisfaction as a Measure of Success at Barna Mia, Western Australia. Journal of Ecotourism. Vol. 4, No. 2, pp73-91. Australia.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Definition Of Modernism In Fiction Essay -- essays research papers
Definition of Modernism in Fiction Modernism, in literature, can be seen as a shift in focus to the unassociated introspective reflection of characters in such texts as Go Tell It On The Mountain, by James Baldwin, Miss Lonelyhearts, by Nathanael West and The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger. This is a revision from the previous focal point of exterior events and places in correlation with the character’s reflections. Emphasis is placed on review upon feelings and thoughts, and even conversations with oneself, as opposed to the more directly event-driven reflections in texts of the pre-modernist era. This is not to say that texts of the modernist era have no events, or that their characters sit at home all day long thinking. Many activities take place in these texts, but the characters tend to spend time reflecting upon basically uncorrelated ideas, and to ponder what they mean for him. For example, in Go Tell it On the Mountain, when his aunt, Florence, comes to church for the first time, John knows, "it was the hand of the Lord that had led her to this place, and his heart grew cold. The Lord was riding on the wind tonight. What might that wind have spoken before the morning came?"(61). John's pondering of the Lord "riding on the wind" seems somewhat unrelated to his aunt coming to church. His premonition that something would happen tonight has nothing to do with the current events. It can be seen, in the broader definition of modernism provi...
Monday, November 11, 2019
My Son Changed My Life Essay
Before my son had arrived, I was in complete shambles. My life was spiraling down a one way tube into darkness. I had become everything that I had only wished I wouldnt. I was known as nothing better then â€Å"white trash†. I thought that I had it all. I was only 17 and I was free. I left home to be with my ex- boyfriend, and I was free! No rules, No boundaries, just freedom. I thought life couldnt get any better. Although, as time went on I realized how much I missed my family, and how things were starting to turn sour in my relationship. We had no money. For weeks, we had nothing. We were living off of our friends who were gracious enough to take us in. I started doing drugs, and drinking every chance I got. I stole items to pawn them for money. Most of the money went twords food, drugs, or alcohol. I was lucky I was underage when I pawned stuff becasue word had gotten around to the cops that it was stolen, and every person who did it was thrown in jail. Thankfully, I was only put on probation for 6 months. Things started to look up for a little when my ex and I moved back in with his parents. It was a hell hole, but it was a place to stay without living off other people. We started to hang out with friends every night, driving around the town, drinking, starting fights, just waiting to get in trouble. We didnt realize it at first, but the person we were driving around with was what most would call â€Å"bi-polar†. It only took one night to realize it, and that would be the end of that. We were driving around with this friend when she had gotten so mad at this person, that she circled the block, and tried to hit him with her car. Thankfully we were on the same block as my ex’s parents, so we called it a night. I was worried that I pregnant in the begining of December, but I didnt take a pregnancy test until 4 days before christmas. I can remember it just like it was yesterday too, I was sitting in a local resturaunt with my friend and I had went into the bathroom to take the test. I remember screaming for my friend to come in, and she couldnt beleive it. I took a second test to be 100% sure, and in deed I was pregnant. We didnt tell family until Christmas Day. Most of my family was happy for me, but some of them were a little doubtful that I would stop the nonsense I had gotten myself into. And indeed I did. I moved back home with my parents, and I started my life all over again. I was a brand new person, and in less then 8 months, my life was going to change even more. On August 9, 2006 my son was born. He was the most beautiful baby boy I had even layed eyes on. He was so special, and he had to be sent from heaven. I had moved in with his father in March and we were doing really well. My son had only brought us closer together, and he was our pride and joy. He still is til this day. My son changed my life in many ways. Before he was even here he had changed my life. I realized that I had to grow up and be a better person. I wasnt just going to be taking care of myself, but a baby too. I had be responsible. I had to be the best mother I could possibly be. After he arrived, I realized that I wouldnt have to sit around and think about alcohol or drugs, and wish to do them. My son kept me occupied enough for me to understand that there was more to life then drugs and alcohol, that there was more to it then having freedom. It wasnt about me anymore, It was about my family, and I would do anything for them. My son was my lifesaver. I tell him everyday that he is an angel. I just hope that when he’s old enough, he’ll understand exactly why he is my angel. He turned my life upside down, which in reality, had turned me back to the person I was supposed to be.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Goal Setting With Elementary Students
Goal Setting With Elementary Students With the start of the new school year upon us, it is the perfect time to have your students begin school by learning how to set positive goals. Setting goals is an important life skill that all elementary students need to know. While the students may still be a bit too young to think about what college they want to go to, or the career they may want to have, its never too late to teach them the importance of setting, and achieving a goal. Here are a few tips to help your elementary students learn to set goals. Define What a "Goal" Means Elementary students may think the word goal means when you are referring to a sporting event. So, the first thing that you want to do is have students brainstorm what they think setting a goal means. You can use the reference of a sporting event to help you. For example, you can tell the students that when an athlete makes a goal, the goal is the result of their hard work. You can also have students look up the meaning in the dictionary. Webster’s Dictionary defines the word goal as â€Å"something that you are trying to do or achieve.†Teach the Importance of Goal Setting Once you have taught your elementary students the meaning of the word, now its time to teach the importance of setting goals. Discuss with your students that setting goals helps you become more confident in yourself, helps you make better decisions in your life, and gives you motivation. Ask students to think about a time that they had to sacrifice something that they really loved, for an even better outcome. You can give them an example if they are unsure. For instance, you can say: I really like to get a coffee and a donut before work every day but it can get really expensive. I want to surprise my children and take them on a family vacation, so I need to give up my morning routine in order to save money to do that. This example is showing your students that you have given up something that you really liked, for an even better outcome. It explains how powerful setting goals and achieving them can really be. By giving up your morning routine of coffee and donuts, you were able to save enough money to take your family on a vacation. Teach Students How to Set Realistic Goals Now that students understand the meaning of a goal, as well as the importance of setting goals, now its time to actually set a few realistic goals. Together as a class, brainstorm a few goals that you think are realistic. For example, students may say My goal is to get a better grade on my math test this month. Or I will strive to complete all of my homework assignments by Friday. By helping your students set small, achievable goals that can be achieved quickly, you will help them understand the process of setting and achieving a goal. Then, once they grasp this concept you can have them set even bigger goals. Have students focus on which goals are most important (make sure they are measurable, achievable, as well as specific). Develop a Method to Achieve the Goal Once students have chosen the specific goal that they want to achieve, the next step is to show them how they are going to achieve it. You can do this by showing students the following step-by-step procedure. For this example, the students goal is to pass their spelling test. Step 1: Do all spelling homework Step 2: Practice spelling words each day after school Step 3: Practice spelling worksheets each day Step 4: Play spelling games or go on the app Step 5: Get an A on my spelling test Make sure that students have a visual reminder of their goal. It is also wise that you have a daily or weekly meeting with each student to see how their goals are developing. Once they achieve their goal, its time to celebrate! Make a big deal out of it, this way it will want them to make even bigger goals in the future.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Minimum Wage essays
Minimum Wage essays A public outcry over wages and working conditions led to the first minimum wage policy in the United States. A national minimum wage was created in 1938 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The basic goal of minimum wage was to guarantee workers a fair wage. In recent months, there has been much controversy and debate over raising the minimum wage. Most people have a tendency to assume that when the minimum wage is increased, people will benefit. They do not stop to think of the consequences. The following paper presents an overview of various problems. Many people do not stop to consider the costs of minimum wage increases. For example, where does the increase in wages come from? It certainly doesnt come from taxes or government funding. It comes from employers, whether they are large or small. In a conversation regarding minimum wage increases with a neighborhood bakery owner, she the following: I took the hit completely the first time; the last time, I raised my prices. The owner Angela Constantino employs eight people at minimum wage. Thats how things work. If your costs go up, youre going to have to pass some of that along to the customer. I dont pass all of it along. Basically I try to offset some of my costs" Angela said. Employers somehow must come up with the money to pay the wage increase. They must raise prices, therefore, charging all consumers more, and they may even have to let go of some of their employees in order to have the ability to pay the rate hike. The primary reason most people are willing to increase the minimum wage is to assist poor people. There are many studies that indicate that the positive benefits are just as numerous as the negative ones. According to James Kaz, the majority of those who are paid minimum wage are not poor, but rather an additional income on top of the sole p...
Monday, November 4, 2019
No topic based on scenario and questions to be incorporated Essay
No topic based on scenario and questions to be incorporated - Essay Example Indeed, I will extend my warm welcome to my partner in the Community Based Organisation (CBO) who will be bringing a potential funder to the Saturday Academy the following day. There is every need to meet this funder as a way of showing appreciation to this rare opportunity since he will need to catch the 11.30 am flight. Compared to attending the daughter’s basketball tournament, this opportunity to meet the potential funder will go a long way towards development of my career as both administrator and leader. Indeed, there is every need to be devoted to work and show commitment especially during the period of crisis where the institution you are running is facing critical challenges such as budget cuts instead of choosing to pursue personal luxury activities which will leave you exposed once you miss the perfect opportunity of getting the much needed assistance. I will also take the opportunity to engage the parents who represent the graduation committee since these are very important stakeholders in the running of the school and cannot in any way object to their proposal but would happily give them a nod to engage the photographer. The occasion of graduation is historic such that it has to be recorded in true fashion. It can be suicidal to delegate my second assistant principal to attend to such important scheduled meetings as this would reflect a negative attitude of my leadership qualities. Such important business which affects the overall running of the institution requires the head to be present as this would show commitment to the school as well as reflect positive leadership traits. In this particular case, the issue of great concern to me is the need to get funding for the institution since this would make it relatively easier to run it. Almost all activities at school require some funding to ensure its smooth running. The first three things I need to do as the principal include the following: instil discipline among students and members of staff,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Critically discuss the statement Entrepreneurs who wish to expand Essay
Critically discuss the statement Entrepreneurs who wish to expand their business should first expand their networks - Essay Example At the appropriate times the company sends customized message to the customers with suggestion for flowers and presents. The company gains a world-wide reputation. Therefore, good management information systems fast the business operation and use resource more effective. Basket Company also involves similar business actives we discussed above, by equipping the management information system, will greatly support business operation. Now the competition f basket market is very furious, it is not enough to improve only the product, we should impress the customers as a person who cares them more than their selves. To achieve the goal, we have to identify the trend f customer needs. Like large office goods supplier---Staples. The company system maintains lists f previously ordered items. Over time, Staples learned a great deal about its customers' preferences and use that information to offer new items. We value our employees as they play an important role in company success, but only with the helps f those tools, our employees and managers can easily make the decision on buy from supplier and predicate the profits. Thus, the good management information system plays a more important role in the competition. One f the outcomes f information system is the strategies for competitive advantages. ... t to play in a competitive strategy, cutting the labor and administration cost during business operation, the business can sell goods or provide services at a price that is lower than the competitors. Surveys and feedback sessions will be conducted from detailed transaction records and various data to access the ongoing project. Expanding business network is in fact an expansion f an organization. Franchising is a generic term that describes a way f doing business. In essence a model f business structure that relies on a relationship in which an owner (franchisor) f a business has licensed others (franchisees) to use a business system and trade name to market and sell products/services. Thus it is a marketing concept f delivering products and services that can be applied across a diverse range f businesses. The International Franchising Association has developed 75 different categories describing the businesses f its members. Who is involved Franchising involves two parties: Franchisor - The franchisor is the initial owner f a business system which has been developed and proven to be a successful method f operating a particular business. As owner, the franchisor has the legal capacity to provide licenses to others (franchisees). Typically the owner seeks to expand the business through a relationship with others who have similar objectives. Franchisee - The franchisee is the party that has entered into an agreement with the franchisor to use the trade mark / business name and business system in a defined outlet or territory. How does it work Essentially the franchisee has agreed to be part f the franchisor's operation. In return for fees, the franchisee secures these rights for a set period f time and can expect from the franchisor: Training in business practices -
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