Monday, December 30, 2019
Narco Corridos the History Behind the Glorified Narcos...
Narcocorridos: Giving Mexican-American Youth a Sense of Cultural Identity in the US Victor Guzman Psych 141-1979 Con cuernos de chivo y basuca en la nuca/ Equipped with guns and bazookas Volando cabezas al que se atraviesa/ Heads fly of those who stand in the way Somos sanguinarios locos bien ondeados /we shed blood, crazy in the head Nos gusta matar / we like to kill Pa dar levantotes somos los mejores /we’re the best ones to get the job done Siempre en caravana toda mi plebada /always on caravans with all my people Bien empecherados blindados / bullet-proof vested Y listos para ejecutar/ and ready to execute Despite Mexico’s†¦show more content†¦to test their fate, another quickly emerging option was to join the underground drug trafficking market. The changing climate in the drug trafficking world did not go without having any effect on the corridos, of course. As history evolved, so did the style of the corrido. The corrido was incorporated into different genres of regional music, particularly of the Northern part of Mexico, known as musica nortena. These songs ranged from love ballads to songs that make political statements and even stories about what Wald calls â€Å"smuggle stories†(Wald 3). Many were written about legendary figures like Pancho Villa (Quinones 27). The norteno group Los Tigres Del Norte is given the credit for officially taking corridos to the next level- that of narcocorridos and giving the grounds for which the narcocorrido takes off. They sing about the rise of drug traffic in the US-Mexico borderlands as well as about the injustices that Mexicans and Mexican-Americans have faced and continue to face in El Norte, a very popular nickname for the United States. Los Tigres del Norte (who originate from the United States) never fail to make a political statement, shedding light on controversial issues such as the rising power of the drug cartels in Mexico, which results because they present an alternative to poverty that Mexicans face every day. The following are two stanzas from a corrido by Los Tigres del Norte: A mà me gustan los corridos / I like listening toShow MoreRelatedMexico: Narco Corridos Essay examples977 Words  | 4 PagesMexico’s drugs wars as well as bloody drug cartels are echoed in a controversial folk music genre commonly known as narco corridos or simply as drug ballads. They tell the stories allied to shootouts, drug lords, betrayals including daring criminal operations. Narco corridos are not a new style in Mexican music, in fact, they have been around for years, and they are popular among the old and the young. This genre has evolved to be modern fugitive music that fuses the emotional responses of antique
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay about The Impact of Deforestation - 668 Words
Deforestation is a serious issue in today’s world. What once was a green Earth is now becoming a desolate land mold that is losing one of its main attributes: forests. Similar to Rachel Carson’s perception, the Earth was once full of lavish forests and is slowly deteriorating into empty, unappealing land. Centuries ago, Earth was covered in forests. â€Å"†¦The whole country, full of woods and thickets...†(Bradford) was the average for settlers in the 1800s. They had grown accustomed to the full lush trees. Even in the 1900s there were the â€Å"†¦same beautiful trees†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Fuller) and nature was a sight to see as people relished â€Å"passing through one of the fine, park-like woods, almost clear from underbrush and carpeted with thick grasses and†¦show more content†¦One issue deforestation causes is a change of habitat for animals. Animals are forced out of their habitations when the forests are cut down. This causes the animals to have to go find a new home. However, â€Å"when these areas are destroyed, the species become extinct†(eHow). The animals are forced to attempt to relocate themselves, but sometimes, this causes issues as they are not adapted to all areas. This results in the sped up extinction of species. When a species becomes extinct, this poses another issue. â€Å"Scientists lose the opportunity to learn more about these species†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (eHow) which prevents scientists from being able to understand the possible medicines they could help create or cures they could create for not only other animals but humans too. Deforestation also causes starvation of animals. â€Å"They are forced to leave what once was their home to search for food†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (eHow). But this sometimes does not work as the animals are not adapted to the world outside their forest homes, resulting in the conclusion that â€Å"†¦ many starve to death†(eHow). Some animals have a tough time hun ting for the food as it becomes inaccessible. This causes a ripple in the food chain. As species die off, this provides less sustenance for their consumers, which in turn kills them off, creating a cycle of animals dying off due to absence of food. Animals also see the forests as their home. Nearly 70% of the world’s species live in forests. Cutting down all theShow MoreRelatedImpact of Deforestation on the Earth Essay1375 Words  | 6 PagesDeforestation is the elimination of existing trees from the earth; attributable factors include urbanization, logging, ranching, and farming and to some extent land speculation. Land speculation can be included as cleared land is more valuable than forested land. Deforestation, done in the name of progress, and the long-term, devastating effects of it, is killing our planet. To understand the effects of deforestation one must understand the reasoning behind the decision to clear forestlands. OnlyRead MoreEssay on The Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest1038 Words  | 5 PagesThe Impacts of Deforestation in the Tropical Rainforest Deforestation is having an effect on all tropical rainforests. This is not just negative effects but also some very positive effects from the deforestation of the rainforests. From deforestation there are many problems that can be caused by this, environmental, social, economic and political issues all from the destruction of the rainforests across the world. There has been dramatic deforestation across the worldRead More The Environmental Impact of Wetland Destruction and Deforestation2959 Words  | 12 PagesThe Environmental Impact of Wetland Destruction and Deforestation Thesis: The forests and wetlands of the world are being destroyed at unacceptable rates. This destruction is causing many adverse effects on the environment, many of which will not be felt by the global population until they are irreversible. Introduction Human life cannot exist in the absence of complicated interactions of millions of species in biological systems. Yet as humans, we live during a period of the greatestRead MoreImpact Of Deforestation On The Amazon Rainforest Of Brazil, South America, Impact The Environment?1493 Words  | 6 PagesEvaluation Research Summary The question researched was â€Å"How does deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, South America, impact the environment?†The topic of deforestation in the Amazon was chosen as there is much concern about the problem and for the future of the Earth. There were different research processes used to discover new information about the problems in the Amazon rainforest such as, an interview with a person who currently lives in Brazil, annotating books, journals, internetRead MoreDeforestation Is A World Without Trees?1486 Words  | 6 PagesCould you imagine a world without trees? Deforestation is one of the leading causes of environmental catastrophes, loss of biodiversity, climate change and soil erosion. â€Å"Over half of the world’s rainforests have been destroyed in the last 10,000 years or so,†according to the World Wild Life Fund (WWF). The majority of this loss has happened in the last 50 years, occurring simultaneously with a massive increase in the human population. Deforestation is hurting our earth, and therefore, we must demandRead MoreDeforestation Is A Big Environmental Issue1092 Words  | 5 PagesNowadays, deforestation becomes a big environmental issue around the world since forests play critical roles in many aspects for the life of all the living things. (World Wildlife Fund) There are many factors that will result in deforestation such as â€Å"fires, clear-cutting for agriculture, ranching and development, unsustainable logging for timber, and degradation due to climate change†(World Wildlife Fund). Human activities would be the main cause of deforestation. (Ronca, 2008, p.1) World WildlifeRead MoreDeforestation Effects On Amazon Forest Resilience1725 Words  | 7 Pagesdemand more, more space will be needed and cutting away the trees for humans to use. Deforestation is the act of cutting and clearing a large area of trees. It is the cause of extreme damage to the ecosystem and sustainability o f life. Deforestation is negatively affecting the interaction between the water cycle, soil sustainability, and trees stability. There is a chain reaction due to deforestation. Deforestation leads to decrease in biotic pump disrupting the water cycle leading to a decrease inRead MoreArticle Review On Deforestation And Deforestation999 Words  | 4 The article focuses on the habitat loss due to deforestation. The author talks about the different purpose of deforestation such as agriculture, forestry, or water projects that endangers the species that live in the area. The article is based on information taken from World Wildlife Fund, IUCN, and Red List. The information that the author provides is important and useful to the topic of deforestation. Overall, the article is well written and well researched. MainstreamRead MoreHow Does Commercial Logging Impact Our Environment?1701 Words  | 7 Pages How does commercial logging impact our environment? Cody McDuffie 9/11/14 Environmental science How has commercial logging impacted out environment? Has it been negative, positive or stayed in the middle? Most lay people have purchased into the concept that reducing down plants in the US should be ceased. They think that plants are being greatly over-cut and we will not have any air remaining to take in, all the creatures will die, and large break down problems will adhere toRead MoreDeforestation And Environment1402 Words  | 6 Pages Deforestation is an increasing global crisis and is mainly caused by human actions. Forests cover approximately 31% of the area on the planet (Deforestation, n.d.). Deforestation is the destruction of a wide area of forest land into a cleared land that is used for a variety of reasons. The impact on the environment from cutting down, burning and damaging forests is very detrimental and there are severe consequences for the environment and future generations due to deforestation. According to the
Saturday, December 14, 2019
For this discussion I asked my kids to help me, since my topic for the Final project is about kids in gangs Free Essays
My children’s concerns about kids in gangs is, that they are to young, they think it is cool, the violence- robbery, killing, raping and shooting other kids or adults. What they think has caused this problem is the kids get asked to join, they think it is cool, they think it is going to help them make friends and that their family members will respect them more, and that the kids are getting abused at home. I asked them how is this problem affecting y’all and they told me, that they see the gang kids beating up other kids, stealing from them, both of my kids said that they are afraid that it will go too far and they could be victims in a shooting at school, and that they will get approached and asked to join a gang. We will write a custom essay sample on For this discussion I asked my kids to help me, since my topic for the Final project is about kids in gangs or any similar topic only for you Order Now I took the questioning to another level and asked them, What do you think about kids in gangs and What is your views on gangs and the crimes they commit? My 14 year old son answered me with that they are trying to act like they are something, when actually they are not. They are no different than any other person trying to get an education or job like the rest of us. He said that gangs are not safe, that they commit robberies, murder, and that they tag everything with their gang signs and makes everything ugly with it. I asked my 12 year old daughter the same questions and she responded with, they think it is cool; other friends are in a gang, that the kids that are in a gang could be getting abused at home. She also said that if they wanted to be in a group that they should join events at school like sports or another group that is sponsored through the school. When I asked her about her views are on gangs and the crimes that they commit, she came back with, they rob and murder people, they beat up other kids, women, and the elderly to get what they want, and that they graffiti their gang signs on everything. She said she is sick of seeing the gang signs on everything in our town. She also amazed me and took it to another level with respect and hurt from family members. She said that the kids that are in a gang are hurting their family members, friends and their selves. Also that their family members will no longer trust or respect them because of what they are doing or what they have done in the past. Also that when a kid joins a gang that it is hard for them to get out of the gang and that being in a gang could or will mess up their future or their lives. It amazed me that she knows more about gangs than my 14 year old son does. Some of my ideas to address these issues with my kids would be: talk to them about the violence, the abuse that could be happening to these kids that are in the gangs, the murdering, the graffiti, just about gang life in general. I can also take my kids to our local enforcement office and let them talk to the detectives that I work with and let them ask questions about it and how they can or should look for. Being open and honest with my kids about this topic of gangs is the best way to address this problem. My kids will benefit from listening to what I have to say about gangs because they know that I have worked and work with our local detectives about this situation and that I know more about this than they do. I can honestly say that I don’t have to worry about my kids and gangs because they are too involved with school and sports and they despise all gang activity. How to cite For this discussion I asked my kids to help me, since my topic for the Final project is about kids in gangs, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Adopting Virtual and Augmented Reality †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Adopting Virtual and Augmented Reality. Answer: Introduction: Fashion brands know that it is imperative for them to experiment with technology whether for the purposes of enhancing the customer retail experience or introduce fans and customers to the VR concept (Alvarez, 2017). High luxury and fashion brands are increasingly using VR and AR to advertise their products and to get new customers. The VR and AR platforms offer immersive and titillating experiences that help users create dreams, only these dreams are near real. Because of this immersive and titillating experience, VR and AR, in isolation or used together offer the fashion industry limitless new possibilities as they can be used in several creative ways. VR can be used in making people participate in cat walking/ runway shows where anyone can join in, from the premium front seat row, thanks to VR. VR can be used to capture experiences showcasing product/ brand values and identity, in which case VR and AR can be used (and has been used) for advertising purposes ('VR Marketing' 2017). Custom made VR devices such as headsets for specific brands, such as Tommy Hilfiger and Dior have been developed to engage visitors to their stores where they can review and see whats on offer; combining this with AR would create a stunning almost real experience of customers wearing and feeling the clothes, without even touching them. Presently, fashion outlets are using body scanning technologies such as Kinect which scan the persons image and using the magic mirrors, allow the person to try out different fashion items virtually; the customers can change what they are trying by a simple hand swipe. These magic mirrors can be located outside the store such that people can try clothes virtually without entering the store; call it the new window trying ('VR Marketing' 2017). Even companies for which technology has never played a major role in their business strategies such as GAP are looking for creative ways such as VR and AR to engage more with their customers and fans. For instance, the company has developed its Dressing Room application, in collaboration with Google and Avametric in which AR is utilized to allow shoppers and fans try on fashion items without the need to step into the store(Alvarez 2017). Alignment of business model and value proposition This customer segment are the modern day young adults (millennials) that have grown up with technology and value convenience and choice very highly. This is the segment that use technology, from smart phones, e-wallet and electronic payment systems to tablets such as the iPad on a daily or regular basis (Frederick 2014). The other segment may also include the millennials but generally are internet and social media users; these are people that seek information about a product or brand, or make decisions based on other peoples experiences. Such people regularly use or follow blogs, as well as use social media platforms heavily; they can both be customers and influencer's ('University of South California' 2017) The social media generation is also an important customer segment; these people want to be the first to try out new things and then show off to their friends. For instance, it is not uncommon for such customers to go to a trendy fashion store, try on clothes, take pictures and post on social media such as Instagram asking their friends for comments. They are also members of online communities such that if Forte fashions used social media to advertise and allow online fashion trials through VR and AR; this could be a huge customer base Passersby and window shoppers, people that want to see lots of different fashion before deciding to make a purchase; these customers don't really want to step into the store, but can have an immersive experience trying out fashion through AR while outside the store. Online shoppers; with VR and AR, online shoppers can actually try fashion items, select what they like and pay for it and have the items delivered to their homes, just using the internet (Peterson, Grne, Kammer Kirscheneder, 2010) Representative customer journey This starts with a potential customer that is using social media platform, such as Facebook or a blogging platform and who was interested in buying some fashion items. The individual comes across Forte fashions online advert/ social media promotion that invites individuals to experience a new high in fashion shopping through VR and AR and lists their physical store location. The person becomes intrigued and reads input from others, including those that have tried it. This is the discovery phase in the journey; the person decides to find out more, and even tries the online portal through VR or just sees the videos ('Customer Champions', 2017). The advert then offers the customer an opportunity to download the Forte fashions application for free and install it in their mobile device and invites them to visit the physical store. The person plays around with the application and decides to visit the store on their next free day/ time. This is the research phase. At the store, the person sees the magic mirror connected to a body scanner, where a prompt shows them what to do, ad voil!; they see themselves on the screen, trying several pieces of fashion just by swapping their hands. They then become curious and get into the store, and use their mobile device and application they downloaded to try out even more fashion pieces. This is the moment of truth; they experience is just mind boggling, like a real and vivid dream and through personal contact through the virtual platform, the customer decides to make a purchase, and records the video of the experience, for later uploading to their social media account. An attendant then comes to give the customer advice on various issues, such as payment, delivery, among others; and the person becomes a customer. They then head into their social media accounts and continue spreading the AR/ VR gospel of Forte fashion, increasing Forte Fashions brand presence and attracting more customers. The journey is d epicted below; Conclusions Forte Fashions proposes to use modern technologies of AR and VR in its fashion stores; the company is targeting the tech savvy shopper that regularly uses mobile devices, uses social media or is a member of an online community, love technology and new experiences, and would love to have a new shopping experience. trying out clothes in a virtual environment. The value proposition is to enable customers quickly try out fashion pieces in an immersive and titillating virtual environment that is likely to keep customers coming for more. Forte Fashions should go ahead and implement the model, given that the mainstream fashion industry has greatly taken to VR and AR, including conservative brands like GAP (Pennington 2016). A combination of social media marketing and brand presence, online communities, and an unforgettable user experience using VR and AR will ensure success of the business in the short, medium, and long term. Forte Fashions should consider using magic mirrors and body scann ers, in addition to mobile devices and its own application to give customers inside and outside the store an immersive experience. These should be propped with VR headsets at the stores. References Alvarez, E. (2017). Gap envisions a future with augmented-reality 'dressing rooms'. [online] Engadget. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. Bacon, J. (2016). Trends for 2017: AR and VR, agency relationships diversity. [online] Marketing Week. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. 'Customer Champions' (2017). Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) -. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. Frederick, J. (2014). Current Trends Among Millennials and Online Shopping - eCommerce. [online] PFS Blog. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. (2013). Business Model Generation A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. New York, NY, John Wiley Sons. Pennington, A. (2016). The customer experience book: how to design, measure and improve customer experience in your business. Harlow, England ; New York : Pearson Education Peterson, M., Grne, F., Kammer, K., Kirscheneder, J. (2010). Multi-channel customer management: Delighting consumers, driving efficiency. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice. 12, 10-15. Ram, S. (2017). Meeting millennials where they shop: Shaping the future of shopping malls. [online] McKinsey Company. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. 'University of South California' (2017). The Psychology of Successful Marketing to Millennials | USC Applied Psychology Degree. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017]. 'VR Marketing' (2017). How fashion and luxury brands are adopting virtual and augmented reality - The VR Marketing DB. [online] The VR Marketing DB. Available at: [Accessed 31 Aug. 2017].
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