Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Critically Discuss How Identity Is Successfully Used As A Form Of Organizational Control The WritePass Journal
Critically Discuss How Identity Is Successfully Used As A Form Of Organizational Control Introduction Critically Discuss How Identity Is Successfully Used As A Form Of Organizational Control ). This example shows the importance of managing identity to motivate employees in an organization. Therefore, managers should take into account  Alvesson and Willmott’s (2002) eight methods of regulating identity in organizations, such as knowledge and skills; the rules of the game and hierarchical location, to better understand different ways of managing identity and successfully carry them out in the workplace. Overall, identity is a true essence of who and what the organization is. It is a significant organizing element for everything people say and do in the workplace and it affects the characters, values, communications, decisions and strategies of the organization. Organization with a strong identity becomes easier to make decisions and solve their internal conflicts. Employees can clearly know what is expected of them, understand the company and also feel part of the team. Ethical ambiguities and some other issues still affect the idea of identity regulation in organizational control. Moreover, due to the fast changing pace of business life at present, identity cannot be ‘enduring’ in the organization and it may change with the surrounding environments. For example, the Equality Act 2010 presents a new ‘protected’ status to certain social groups which may influence employees’ sense of identity and identification. Thus, management practitioners have to d eeply understand the different methods of identity management proposed by Kenny et al.’s (2011) and Alvesson and Willmott’s (2002) and then integrate those methods to solve the existing challenges in the working environment so as to successfully use identity as a form in organizational control. References Albert,S. and Whetten,D.A. (1985). Organizational identity. 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