Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Crime Of Gun Control Essay - 2144 Words
Gun control generally refers to laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms (CITATION). The actual definition of gun control varies greatly around the world, however, this is the most Americanized and generalized definition that we’ll just stick with. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, 467,321 persons were victims of a crime committed with a firearm in 2011(Harvard Kennedy School). In the same year, data collected by the FBI show that firearms were used in 68 percent of murders, 41 percent of robbery offenses and 21 percent of aggravated assaults nationwide (Harvard Kennedy School). This data doesn’t even specifically represent nonfatal firearm related crimes. Even though illegal gun trafficking is undoubtedly tied to juvenile gun violence and other crimes like drug dealing and gang crime, legally obtaining a gun is not difficult at all and a lot of the statistics above is related to dom estic firearm crime from peoples who obtained the weapons legally. Most all people who obtain guns illegally or legally claim it is for self defense. In the state of Virginia, there is no permit to purchase, firearm registration, or owner license required for long guns or handguns. As long as one is eighteen years or older, and shows proof of citizenship, you can purchase a gun. However, our unalienable second amendment right states, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,Show MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Gun Control1632 Words  | 7 Pagesfocus on guns as the cause of the problem and try to put more regulations in place. Who would not want regulations on gun ownership and establish places where guns are prohibited, like schools, if it would prevent or help reduce these crimes from happening? However, statistics have shown that gun regulations are ineffective in reducing gun related crimes and may actually increase the occurrence of them, ultimatel y leading to an increasing death toll. The gun is not committing the crime; it is theRead MoreGuns Less Crime Gun Control1567 Words  | 7 PagesMore Guns Less Crime Gun control has become a hot topic currently. Shootings have become the new normal with today’s society, with shootings occurring on a monthly basis. It seems that guns have become a major problem, or possibly something else? Political leaders always prefer to blame the gun first and call for new laws and restrictions on firearms. 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We all know that a criminal, who cannot buy guns, will steal, borrow or obtain it via other means. The anti-gun control feels that stricter or banning gun is not a solution to solve crimes; rather it place American citizensRead MoreGun Control Laws Will NOT Reduce Crime Essay1336 Words  | 6 PagesGun control laws aim to restrict or regulate firearms by selecting who can sell, buy and possess certain guns. Criminals do not obey laws and stricter gun control laws or banning guns will have little effect on reducing crimes. There are many myths about gun control reducing acts of gun violence, which are simply not true according to research. People are responsible for the crimes, not the guns themselves. Taking guns away fr om United States citizens that use them for many reasons, shooting practiceRead MoreGun Control Must Reduce Violent Crime860 Words  | 4 PagesTech school shootings. Therefore, gun control has been at the center of our country’s debate for many years. The two strong positions on gun control go as follow: The pro-gun control lawmakers believe that stricter or possibly placing a ban on gun laws would reduce violent crime. We all know that a criminal, who cannot buy guns, will steal, borrow or obtain it via other means. The anti-gun control feel that stricter or banning guns is not a solution to solve crimes; rather it put American citizens
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