Sunday, August 23, 2020
Activity and Disengagement Theory and Care Provision Essay
During the maturing procedure, the old can have a place with either the action hypothesis or the withdrawal hypothesis. There are numerous administrations that can assist the old with aging in the manner they wish. The administrations as a rule give assistance to people so they can stay dynamic, social and physical. Every one of these things help the person to keep physical and intellectually solid. The administrations may incorporate day places for older individuals, this would urge them to remain dynamic and to likewise be social and collaborate with others beneficiary age. Administrations which are accessible for the older could incorporate Nursing aides which can assist individual with becoming increasingly free, Occupational Therapy which is utilizing explicit exercises to forestall inability and it likewise advances autonomous capacity in all parts of day by day life. This will enable the older to remain genuinely fit and dynamic. Volunteers will come and invest energy with the individuals who are withdrawing, they will take strolls with them, play a game of cards or even watch a film with them, to guarantee they are adapting and are not the only one. The individuals who do this will likewise watch them and see what bolster they need. These administrations are there to help the individuals who might not have numerous companions or family to remain socially dynamic, these administrations are there to empower people them to remain socially dynamic and to likewise make companions. Free travel passes are accessible for those more than 60, these empower people to go around their region for whatever length of time that they need. Private consideration is likewise accessible for the individuals who can no longer adapt all alone at home, it permits them to connect and furthermore go out on day trips just as having the option to se companions. These administrations will a capable their confidence to rise and become increasingly agreeable. The individuals who do stay dynamic, there are noble cause, clubs, network care and church’s that give exercises to them to appreciate. More seasoned people may move into shielded lodging as the money related side might be turning out to be to much for them to deal with just as bei ng distant from everyone else. All administrations expect to make people confidence and certainty rises. They all give regard and backing. These administrations give the individual a decision with respect to how dynamic they wish to be. All people are urged to remain socially dynamic to keep them from separating. The clinical help arrangement in care homes empowers the staff who work their to comprehend what clinical consideration is required when caringâ for people. Care homes and medical clinics have courses of action with the people GP so they can have a week after week check up to guarantee their requirements are being thought about. At the point when a consideration home knows the inhabitants clinical history, they can be thought about in the most ideal manner conceivable. In the event that a consideration home knows ahead of time who they are thinking about, so they can guarantee they have the correct hardware and care is accessible for when they show up. Directors lead customary reports to guarantee they are state-of-the-art and are thinking about their occupants accurately. Each spot where an individual’s are thought about, there must be a medicinally enlisted individual on location to guarantee every single clinical circumstance are being done effectively, additionally Nurses are available to come in to work 24 hours per day. Appraisals are done to guarantee the occupants are sheltered and their requirements are being met.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Logical Database
2 Nonfunctional RequirementsFunctional prerequisites characterize the necessities as far as execution, intelligent database necessities, structure imperatives, guidelines consistence, dependability, accessibility, security, practicality, and compactness. Model 1Performance RequirementsPerformance necessities characterize worthy reaction times for framework usefulness. The heap time for UI screens will take no longer than two seconds.The sign in data will be confirmed inside five seconds.Queries will return results inside five seconds.Example 2Logical Database RequirementsThe sensible database prerequisites incorporate the maintenance of the accompanying information components. This rundown is definitely not a total rundown and is planned as a beginning stage for developmentBooking/Reservation SystemCustomer first nameCustomer last nameCustomer addressCustomer telephone numberNumber of occupantsAssigned roomDefault room rateRate descriptionGuaranteed room (yes/no)Credit card numberConfirmation numberAutomatic dropping dateExpected registration dateExpected registration timeActual registration dateActual registration timeExpected registration date Expected registration timeActual registration dateActual registration timeCustomer feedbackPayment got (yes/no)Payment typeTotal BillFood ServicesMealMeal typeMeal itemMeal orderMeal installment (Bill to room/Credit/Check/Cash)EXAMPLE 3Design ConstraintsThe Hotel Management System will be an independent framework running in a Windows situation. The framework will be created utilizing Java and an Access or Oracle databaseIllustrate a time period expected to finish each errand dependent on the necessities from question 2.(5 Marks)Answer Estimating time framesTo deal with your time well, you should realize what undertakings you have to achieve, yet in addition when those assignments must be finished and to what extent they'll take. Making exact gauges to what extent an undertaking will take is one of the keys to successful time the board. Numerous administration issues are the aftereffect of ridiculous assessments of to what extent it will take to finish explicit tasks.If you gauge time spans precisely, you'll have the option to plan work proficiently and meet deadlines:schedule work efficientlyâ †Accurate gauges to what extent undertakings will take to finish make planning significantly simpler. They guarantee that you won't need to continue changing your calendar. On the off chance that you have an assignment that you precisely gauge will take six hours, for instance, you can allocate that time in your timetable and be sensibly sure you won't need to change the calendar. Yet, imagine a scenario where you didn't precisely assess the ideal opportunity for that task and allocated it just three hours. It would mislead your calendar, and you'd have to revamp deadlinesâ †If you're precise in evaluating the time it will take to finish errands, you'll be better ready to comply with your time constraints. In case you're gauges aren't precise, you may need to request to change cutoff times or frustrate other people who are depending on you to finish certain undertakings. With exact time gauges, you'll likewise be progressively sure about setting cutoff times since you realize that the time you dole out for finishing every one of your undertakings is sensible. Time gauge equationIt's imperative to appraise the time spans for your errands precisely with the goal that you can plan all your work successfully and comply with time constraints. To approach doing this, you first need to know the necessities of each undertaking and your involvement in exercises †both when they run easily and when they don't †to create three time estimates:The likely timeâ is the time that the assignment typically takes you to finish. It assists with considering the time it takes to finish the undertaking without interference. You ought to likewise consider a time period you would be OK with dependent on your outstanding burden, the assignment, and any outside elements that may defer or accelerate the finishing of the task.The shortest timeâ is minimal measure of time that you have taken to finish the errand before. It might likewise allude to the most brief time wherein you want to finish the errand if there are no interferences or distractions.You can appraise theâ longest timeâ by thinking about what may turn out badly when playing out the assignment and afterward adding this additional chance to the undertaking's possible span. This gauge ought to be founded on your experience of this sort of movement previously, just as on any predictable difficulties.You utilize the three time assessments to compute the briefest conceivable opportunity to finish an errand dependent on a normal of the probable, most limited, and longest occasions. Since much of the time an errand will set aside the possible effort to finish, this time is given more weight. You have to duplicate it by 4, include the most limited time, and afterward include the longest time. You partition the aggregate by 6 to get the briefest conceivable time.One significant thing to recollect is that you should utilize similar estimations for each sort of time. For instance, if your feasible time is various days, the most brief and longest occasions should likewise be in days. In the event that your appraisals are in various estimations, start by transforming them so they are no different. The time spans condition regularly delivers a most limited conceivable time that is longer than the briefest time you put into the condition. This is on the grounds that the condition guarantees that you're sensible about to what extent things will take.To deal with your time successfully, you need to assess the time it will take to finish every one of your assignments. Doing this guarantees you can plan your work properly and comply with all your time constraints. To assess the time periods for your errands, you can utilize a straightforward time periods condition, which uses gauges for the conceivable, briefest, and longest occasions to ascertain the reasonable, most limited conceivable time that it will take to finish a task. dangers to your business that you have to consider for the achievement of this framework. Answer: After surveying the qualities and shortcomings of your business for your strategy, search for outside powers, similar to circumstances and dangers, that may affect its fate. These progressions includeThe appearance of new or more grounded competitorsThe development of special technologiesShifts in the size or segment arrangement of your market areaChanges in the economy that influence client purchasing habitsChanges in client inclinations that influence purchasing habitsChanges that adjust the manner in which clients get to your business Changes in legislative issues, approaches, and regulationsFads and design crazesList the dangers and openings confronting your business, and follow these guidelines:When posting openings, think about rising advances, accessibility of new materials, new client classifications, changing client tastes, showcase development, new uses for old items (consider how cell phones and even eyeglasses currently twofold as cameras and PCs), new dissemination or area openings, positive changes in your serious condition, and different powers that can influence your prosperity. When posting dangers, think about the effect of contracting markets, adjusted customer tastes and buy inclinations, crude material deficiencies, financial downturns, new guidelines, changes that influence access to your business, and serious dangers, including new contending organizations and serious mergers and collusions. Likewise consider the effect of terminating licenses, work issues, worldwide issues, and new items that may make your contribution obsolete or superfluous. In case you're making some extreme memories getting explicit, glance back at the qualities and shortcomings, however this time, use it to list qualities and shortcomings of a contender. You won't know as much about your rival's capacities as you think about your own, however you presumably realize enough to signal regions of solidarity and shortcoming. Your rival's qualities are potential dangers to your business, and its shortcomings present potential chances. strategies/how-to-recognize openings and-dangers in-business-arranging/Three components of hazard All hazard the executives norms concur that the objective of hazard the board is to improve the odds of achievement of the applicable undertaking. Be that as it may, every one of them gives an alternate meaning of hazard: ISO31000:2009 calls it â€Å"effect of vulnerability on objectives,†the PMI â€Å"PMBOK Guide†â has â€Å"an dubious occasion or condition that, on the off chance that it happens, has a positive or negative impact on the venture's objectives,†and the favored Risk Doctor definition is â€Å"uncertainty that issues. â€Å"Each depiction is valid, however just incompletely so. This issues on the grounds that, until we recognize what we are managing, we can't oversee it in the most ideal manner possible:If we utilize the ISO definition, at that point our first idea will be to concentrate on the effect;If we follow PMI, at that point we will begin from the potential occurrence;With the Risk Doctor definition, we start from uncertainty.Each of these †the impact, the occasion and the uncertaintyâ â€â is a part of hazard, yet all alone isn't a hazard. Indeed, even taken two by two they don't give the full picture:an impact in addition to an occasion isâ an issue;an occasion in addition to a vulnerability isâ a prediction;an vulnerability in addition to and impact isâ a concern.It is just when you set up each of the three that you can perceive what a hazard is made of, and utilize this data to settle on what, in the event that anything, to do about it. Obviously, this at that point requires a more drawn out definition, however the objective improving the odds of progress merits the effort.But what is â€Å"success†? It is more than basically â€Å"meeting objectives;†it should likewise incorporate the state of â€Å"complying with venture constraints†all together for the conclusive outcome to stay inside extension. The three-section definition assists with three significant phases of the hazard the board process:1.risk recognizable proof, it underpins
Friday, August 21, 2020
Lorrie Moore Free Essays
In the story â€Å"How to Become a Writer†, Lorrie Moore takes the peruser through what is by all accounts her own Journey on how she turned into an essayist. The story is told in Second Person. The manner in which she composes, in second individual, she appears to think about the peruser literally through her Journey on â€Å"How to Become a Writer†, however you, the peruser are the character. We will compose a custom exposition test on Lorrie Moore or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Moore expounds on how â€Å"you†will apply to school, â€Å"you†will appear at an inappropriate class, and â€Å"your†mother won't comprehend this composing gig. Her style eems to attract the peruser holding tight for the following thing that will occur in â€Å"your†life. She adequately causes the crowd to feel like they are at school, in an inappropriate class or that they are essentially remaining in their kitchen demonstrating their mother the haiku they composed at the ready age of fifteen and she gazes at them â€Å"Blank as a donut†(Moore p. 652) and she says â€Å"How about purging the dishwasher†(Moore p. 652). The normal subject of this story is that â€Å"you†are continually battling with a plot, and o one very comprehends â€Å"your†compositions. This battle is a pertinent battle for Moore, just as numerous youthful undergrads. All through the short story she clarifies this normal pattern of â€Å"no plot†even still you read on and can not resist believing is there a point to this story? The no plot subject appears to play a more profound job. As most will battle with the decisions of life and a decent measure of individuals will even feel as though they have stayed stale and truly not done excessively. Moore truly effectively expresses this idea. She makes the peruser truly relate. Understudies can particularly relate. With all the brokenness an undergrad suffers with picking what to do and afterward like Moore thinking again and changing their major. This story was clever and snide. Leaving you with a perm-a-smile, since you can thoroughly relate. The style of composing was something uncommon for me to peruse yet I incredibly appreciated it. Albeit odd it was interesting. Step by step instructions to refer to Lorrie Moore, Papers
MA thesis proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mama theory - Research Proposal Example Web based life assumes a significant job in advertising division in private and open segments. Web access isn't restricted to amusement and data however proceeds onward to offering electronic types of assistance. The legislature of Saudi Arabia has, for instance, understood the significance of web and has given it exceptional consideration. Advertising authorities likewise think, as per Alenizi, that web applications have a high capacity to raise work quality and speed of the association to convey administrations to their clients. An examination by Alshehri likewise shows that the utilization of electronic application contributes in limiting the expense and lifting the nature of creation (Jenaibi, 2013). Thus, and as per, an electronic government program drawn from the illustrious declaration number 7/b/23181 of every 2003 expressed that all administration substances need to offer electronic types of assistance through the service of correspondence and data i nnovation (Saud and Khan, 2013). Saud and Khan (2013) demonstrated that the utilization of web based life in Saudi Arabia is ascending with increment in the entrance to cell phones. In 2012, the quantity of Facebook clients in the realm of Saudi Arabia was 6 million and in 2013, the number expanded to 7.8 million. Thus, Saudi twitter clients expanded from 3,000,000 of every 2012 to 5,000,000 out of 2013. The country’s utilization of Instagram expanded from 4 million clients in 2012 to 5.7 million of every 2013. As indicated by Shorkey and Uebel (2014), numerous organizations in Saudi Arabia, open and private, utilize web-based social networking for advertising. The examination featured Flynas, STC, McDonald’s and Toyota as the top brands on Facebook. Jenaibi (2013) features Aramco, SABIC and STC as the top positioning organizations on Twitter. Organizations that bargain in beauty care products and vehicles are the ones that rank high in the utilization of Instagram in Saudi Arabia. A solitary exclusive organization in the nation can have up to
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Old Testament Essay Topics - Writing a Great Old Testament Essay Topic
Old Testament Essay Topics - Writing a Great Old Testament Essay TopicThe Old Testament Essay Topics are crucial to doing your Old Testament Essay well. Your Old Testament Essay must be written in a way that is thought provoking and eye opening. Every word that you write will be watched by the Law, not just the Law of God, but all of us who are being tested here on earth.It is the God of the Bible who provides a common ground between man and woman. God is the Holy Spirit who gives us the ability to judge. Many times in life, our judgments have proven to be wrong. Now, is the time to make a correction in order to change this.To do this you must have a biblical perspective. You can only have this perspective, if you are willing to find it out for yourself. I recommend that you read some of the old testament and some of the new testament (New Testament) so that you can better understand the power and blessings of God's word.The Old Testament is a history of God's people who experienced God's truth. The New Testament is the history of the people who learn of God's truth. It is the history of the people who are actually living it.We, as a people, have many historical perspectives that were used to create our Bible. One of those perspectives was to use the Old Testament as a history of the people. This is an interesting point, because as a Biblical scholar, I find this perspective to be very wrong.It is very clear that God wrote the Old Testament, and it is just as clear that God wrote the New Testament. It is easy to see why my friend B.A. will not write an Old Testament Essay that is of good quality.Why would he make an essay with that sort of subject matter? That would be to avoid any trouble, because his Old Testament Essay Topic would appear to be 'objective' when it isn't.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Collaboration and Research Misconduct - Free Essay Example
The Review committee’s chaired by Malcolm Beasley from Stanford University decision to exonerate Schon’s co-authors S. Berg; Ch. Kloc; B. Batlogg does not seem the most appropriate decision they should have made though different dimensions can be taken while dealing with such a case (Gross, 2016). Co-authors have a responsibility to ensure that the results submitted from any scientific findings are correct and free from fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. According to the review conducted, these three co-authors did not raise any conjunction which can either prove their ignorance or gross misconduct whereby Schon could have corrupted them (Gross, 2016). The principal investigators should conduct settings with their researchers to discuss the ongoing work, data interpretation, issues that may arise among others so as to ensure that data is not manipulated due to issues that may arise during the progress .Data management and ownership. Raw data should be preserved well for future review (Hartgerink, Wicherts, 2016). External data storage devices should be made available so as to ensure that the researcher does not blame missing or deleted data on storage availability. The authors with their co-authors should be fully made aware that the data they fill in can be used against them if any misconduct is found during future reviews (Smith, Hunt, Master, 2014). Misconduct on the institution where it happened has proved to have a negative effect that is detrimental on the institution in question. For instance, in the case where Bell Lab was the institution, further and future research finding from that institution remains questionable and is subjected to scrutiny and investigations may be opened for other researcher work conducted by that institution (Ludvigsson et al, 2015). The impact of research misconduct in todays society varies based on the level of fraud or misconduct committed. The cost can go high up to US$ 525,000 for a single investigation (Skerritt, Hall, 2015). Currently, with the high-level of technological advancement, any fraud can cause much hard within a short period due to issues like globalization where information follow fast and majority adapt quickly.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Argumentative Essay Sin Taxes Are Positive for Society
Governments Should Tax Sin Products Higher In our country, the government has traditionally taxed some goods at a higher rate or at an additional rate. They do this to products called sin products, like cigarettes and alcohol. The government does this as a way to discourage the abuse or over use of these products. Recently, governments have tried to raise taxes on other products like large, sugar-filled soft drinks and junk foods. There has been opposition to raise taxes on soft drinks and snack foods, but it is a good idea. There is evidence that these taxes can reduce the number of people who purchase these items. Therefore, the added cost can help people be make better choices and be healthier. Sin taxes are something that†¦show more content†¦It is logical for the government to want to expand sin taxes from cigarettes and alcohol to new health threats in our lives, like soft drinks and junk foods. By increasing the cost of these products, governments can cause some current users to stop or lessen the amou nt of these products that they use. The added tax can also discourage some people from starting to use the products. This can really affect young people because they have a limited disposable income and the higher cost would discourage children from purchasing them. Governments also hope that by raising the costs on certain products that are not healthy, they would be promoting healthier products. Sin taxes can encourage healthier lifestyles in people and cause medical costs to go down. They have a positive effect on society. Tyler Kelly #17 ASD 1/13/13 Outline Governments Should Tax Sin Products Higher Paragraph 1: Introduction: * government traditionally taxed some goods at higher rate * do it to sin products, like cigarettes and alcohol. * does it to discourage abuse or over use * raise taxes on soft drinks and junk foods * opposition to taxes on soft drinks and snack foods, but good idea. * evidence taxes reduce people who purchase * added cost help people make better choices and be healthier. Paragraph 2: Body: * something governments doing for hundreds of years * 1600’s inShow MoreRelatedCommon Sense And Civil Disobedience Essay1295 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentative Essay Common Sense and Civil Disobedience Published in the year 1776, common sense is an open challenge to the British government and the royal monarchy of that time. Paine spoke the language of a common person and worked for the independence of Great Britain. Paine states his opinion by arguing at the American Independence beginning with the theoretical and general reflections about religion and government and move on to the specifications about the situation in the colonies. By doingRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesown conclusion, then its your responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate. Lets examine that last remark. A conclusion backed up by one or more reasons in any order is called an argument, even when the reasoner is not being argumentative or disagreeable. The word â€Å"argument†is a technical term we will be using frequently in this course. Being logical means, among other things, that you should give an argument to support your conclusion if you expect other people to accept itRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesDiversity 18 †¢ Improving Customer Service 18 †¢ Improving People Skills 19 †¢ Stimulating Innovation and Change 20 †¢ Coping with â€Å"Temporariness†20 †¢ Working in Networked Organizations 20 †¢ Helping Employees Balance Work–Life Conflicts 21 †¢ Creating a Positive Work Environment 22 †¢ Improving Ethical Behavior 22 Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 23 An Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do
Analyse your contribution to the selection process for the...
Assignment M2 In this assignment I will analyse the contribution of the interview and selection process that leads to the position of Classroom Assistant. I took part both as an interviewee and observer therefore I am able to compare how the different roles have contributed to the process. Before being selected through for the position, there are three stages that each applicant must face: the pre-interview, the interview itself and the post-interview. Each of these stages plays their part in allowing the employer to carefully select the potential candidate. Pre-interview When applying for a position or job role, it is essential that an application form is presented and that the candidate must meet the criteria as identified in the†¦show more content†¦I also needed to make sure that the interview was carried out in a Health and Safety policy environment free of any possible danger or harm that could be caused by equipment. An interview check-list is needed and useful for both sided of the interview panel as it contributes to the process because for the interviewee can know what needs to be included in the interview pack and provide necessary information while the observer or interviewer will use it as a method to ensure that all points they are looking for are being covered. This will also help control the interview because it is mannered and well organised and interviewers are able to control their time and decide what to say for each question. As an observer, notes were also taken to keep on track of the candidates performance in order for rank to be given at the end and meet the decision criteria and right documentation. Communication between the interviewer and interviewee is important because as an interviewee I had to make sure I was listening carefully to questions so that I could give the correct answers, however this was also made easy as I already had an interview questions document already prepared. This is also important because it showed the interviewer that I am capable of listening and communicating wellShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Strategic Positioning Plan3657 Words  | 15 Pagess Manufacturing Inc. should focus on increasing team unity by recruiting top executive level positions for minority employees. Riordan s current policies contribute to the low employee turnover rates, retention of qualified employees, and motivation of workers. However, in order for Riordan to continue their success in the future we highly recommend that Riordan diversify their top executive positions to increase team cohesions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
J.D. Salinger is Holden Caulfield - 1666 Words
Jerome David Salinger is an odd character with a colorful background. He was a young man unable to complete college and obtain a degree, yet he was made very popular due to his writing abilities. â€Å"Despite his slim body of work and reclusive lifestyle, ‘Salinger’ was one of the more influential twentieth century American writers.†states, â€Å"His landmark novel, Catcher in the Rye, set a new course for literature in post World War II America.†The Catcher in the Rye told a story of Holden Caulfield and his struggle to find something pure in a world filled with â€Å"phonies†(Biography). It is arguable that some of Holden’s experiences could be comparitively autobiographical to Salinger’s real life. Much like J.D.†¦show more content†¦While attending Ursinus College, Salinger wrote a column in the school’s weekly newspaper, and many described his pieces as entertaining and laughable (Notable Biogr aphy). He also fell in love with a woman by the name of Oona O’Neill writing her letters almost daily, and was heartbroken when she married someone much older than herself (Liukkonen). Readers of The Catcher in the Rye can clearly see Salinger’s romantic rejection in his writing. When Holden’s roommate, Stradlater, goes on a date with Holden’s friend, Jane Gallagher he is filled with jealousy and feels that Stradlater too old for Jane and will make sexual advances towards her because he is more sexually experienced (Salinger, J.D., 52). Both Salinger and Holden share many failed attempts to find a relationship that is worthwhile. Holden’s failed attempts are, Sally Hayes, Jane Gallagher, the prostitute, and the three older woman in the lounge. Salinger’s include his first love, Oona, and his two marriages that left him in divorce. Salinger returned home and began taking night classes at Columbia University from professor Whit Burnett ( Biography). says, â€Å" Burnett wasn’t just a good teacher, he was the editor of Story magazine, an influential publication that showcased short stories.†Burnett would give Salinger’s life an entirely differentlyShow MoreRelatedHolden Caulfield of The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger2251 Words  | 10 Pagesactions, he loses touch with reality. The ideas and plans are in a chaotic time slot; loneliness becomes the major factor in forming erratic thoughts and actions. In the novel A Catcher in the Rye, J.D Salinger gives insight to the protagonist’s thoughts, experiences, and frustrations in his world. Holden Caulfield’s instinctive desire to be a savior of the innocents evolves, and many times in the story, he faces disappointment. The internal struggles arise when his imagination draws him into situationsRead MoreHolden Caulfield of Catcher In the Rye, the equivalent portrayal of J.D Salinger1734 Words  | 7 Pag esHolden Caulfield of Catcher In the Rye, the equivalent portrayal of J.D Salinger Jerome David â€Å"J.D†Salinger’s masterpiece, The Catcher in the Rye, is a world to the disillusioned protagonist Holden Caulfield. The story follows Holden Caulfield following his eviction from his private school, Holden leaves school two days early to travel New York before returning home. He interconnected with many different folks along the way and fascinatingly, the character of Holden Caulfield holds a remarkableRead MoreHolden Caulfield and the Pressures of Society: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger1286 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Rye by J.D. Salinger, characterization is often found, especially regarding the protagonist, Holden Caulfield. Salinger also includes many themes in his novel relating to growing up in a corrupt society. Hence, this paper will compare, contrast, and evaluate literary criticisms regarding the themes and characterization of J.D. Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye. Many critics of The Catcher in the Rye discuss in depth the characterization of the protagonist Holden Caulfield. For exampleRead MoreMental Analysis on Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger ´s The Catcher in the Rye824 Words  | 4 PagesCare Service Corporation) (The Numbers Count: Mental Disorders in America). J.D. Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, provides the narrative of a young adult, Holden Caulfield, who I believe shows many symptoms of several different mental disorders. In this essay, I will be providing examples straight from The Catcher in the Rye that support my theory of Holden Caulfield’s lack of mental stability. Holden Caulfield demonstrates extreme and inconsistent behaviors throughout his narrative, describingRead MoreParallels Between the Conflicts of J.D. Salinger and Holden Caulfield from Catcher and the Rye618 Words  | 3 PagesLiterature writers, J.D. Salinger, was familiar with a rough childhood by experience. He was able to parallel his experiences to the experiences of Holden Caulfield, the protagonist in The Catcher in Rye. In this novel, Holden experiences conflicts that most youth are not familiar with. The conflicts in Holden Caulfield’s life are caused by various forces and circumstances. One of the main conflict’s in the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, is the recurring theme of innocence. Holden attempts to resistRead MoreHolden Caulfield ´s Innocence and Purity in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger850 Words  | 4 PagesIn a society filled with impureness, Holden Caulfield searches for purity and innocence in everyone around him. Lonely, affectionate, and judgmental, Holden is the narrator and protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye. His actions and the way he acts reveals that Holden is very lonely, and is longing for human companionship. Holden is somewhat mature above his age, but still desires pleasures like any other teenage boy. After meeting people, Holden becomes very judgemental about the way people act.Read MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Salinger And Holden Caulfield1671 Words  | 7 PagesCatcher in the Rye†, Holden Caulfield has many conflicts and life lessons. Throughout the story the author, J.D. Salinger, creates eve nts that make the main character realize that in life people change and grow. The message behind the story is let children grab the â€Å"gold ring†and you can’t always be the catcher in the rye. All of the things that make Holden who he is have many resemblances to the life of the author, J.D. Salinger.    One of the similarities between Holden and Salinger’s livesRead MoreThe Catcher in the Rye Essay1442 Words  | 6 Pagescharacteristics of Holden Caulfield, the adolescent protagonist hero of J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and illuminate the reasons as to why this prototype of brooding adolescence, displaying a rather uber-cool style of disaffection, disenchantment and disillusionment became an indispensable figure of interest, in literary circles as well as popular culture. The paper seeks to take issue with the wider dimensions attached to the ‘incapacitation and debilitation’ Holden is often accused ofRead MoreD. Salinger s The Catcher s The Rye 1872 Words  | 8 Pages J. D. Salinger s novel is often called, . . . the forbidden fruit in the garden of literature (The Catcher 116). J. D. Salinger is a writer from the 1950s, a time where literature has questioned the ideas of traditions placed in a community. Through his li fe and through his characters Holden Caulfield and Phoebe Caulfield in the 1950s realistic fictional bildungsroman The Catcher in the Rye, the postmodernist author J. D. Salinger focuses on the theme of self isolation in society in orderRead MoreThe Catcher In The Rye Analysis892 Words  | 4 Pagesperson. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, illustrates these ideas through Holden Caulfield, his main figure. By displaying how tough it is for him to grow up and admit that he cannot stay adamant in his belief and realize his interpretation of others is limited. The time that is presented allows Holden more ground for stereotypes and explains why his mindset is so set and why he interprets individuals and circumstances in his own sense. The perception of Holden help to present the internal struggles
The Crime Of Gun Control Essay - 2144 Words
Gun control generally refers to laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms (CITATION). The actual definition of gun control varies greatly around the world, however, this is the most Americanized and generalized definition that we’ll just stick with. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, 467,321 persons were victims of a crime committed with a firearm in 2011(Harvard Kennedy School). In the same year, data collected by the FBI show that firearms were used in 68 percent of murders, 41 percent of robbery offenses and 21 percent of aggravated assaults nationwide (Harvard Kennedy School). This data doesn’t even specifically represent nonfatal firearm related crimes. Even though illegal gun trafficking is undoubtedly tied to juvenile gun violence and other crimes like drug dealing and gang crime, legally obtaining a gun is not difficult at all and a lot of the statistics above is related to dom estic firearm crime from peoples who obtained the weapons legally. Most all people who obtain guns illegally or legally claim it is for self defense. In the state of Virginia, there is no permit to purchase, firearm registration, or owner license required for long guns or handguns. As long as one is eighteen years or older, and shows proof of citizenship, you can purchase a gun. However, our unalienable second amendment right states, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,Show MoreRelatedThe Crime Of Gun Control1632 Words  | 7 Pagesfocus on guns as the cause of the problem and try to put more regulations in place. Who would not want regulations on gun ownership and establish places where guns are prohibited, like schools, if it would prevent or help reduce these crimes from happening? However, statistics have shown that gun regulations are ineffective in reducing gun related crimes and may actually increase the occurrence of them, ultimatel y leading to an increasing death toll. The gun is not committing the crime; it is theRead MoreGuns Less Crime Gun Control1567 Words  | 7 PagesMore Guns Less Crime Gun control has become a hot topic currently. Shootings have become the new normal with today’s society, with shootings occurring on a monthly basis. It seems that guns have become a major problem, or possibly something else? Political leaders always prefer to blame the gun first and call for new laws and restrictions on firearms. There could be multiple ways to prevent such crime, but will restricting firearm ownership or banning certain types of guns stop or reduce mass shootingsRead MoreThe Fear Of Crime And Gun Control1328 Words  | 6 PagesThe fear of crime of crime a powerful thing that most people feel at some point in their life whether they are watching TV, listening to the radio or possibly reading the newspaper or even speaking to a friend. The fear as an emotional reaction characterized by a sense of danger and anxiety. To create fear of crime, the fear must be elicited by perceived cues in the environment that relate to some aspect of crime for the person. A v ery common fear related to crime is the fear of gun violence andRead MoreGun Control vs. Crime Rate1547 Words  | 7 PagesJessica Vickers Dr. Jonne Akens Engl 1302 25 February 2013 Gun Control vs. Crime Rate According to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, â€Å"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.†In this very amendment lies the main issue of gun control. â€Å"To many, the language of the amendment appears to grant to the people the absolute right to bear arms. However, theRead MoreGun Control Will Not Reduce Crime Essay1532 Words  | 7 PagesIn Just Take Away Their Guns, author James Q. Wilson argues that Legal restraints on the lawful purchase of guns will have little effect on the illegal use of guns (Wilson 63). Wilson points out that it would be tough to remove all legally purchased guns from the streets and nearly impossible to confiscate illegally purchased guns. Gun advocate J. Warren Cassidy argues that The American people have a right to keep and bear arms. This right is protected by the Second Amendment to the Cons titutionRead MoreThe Use Of Crime And Gun Control Policies2052 Words  | 9 Pagesdebating about gun control. Topics ranging from firearm restrictions to background checks have been heavily discussed by both emotion and logic, by both gun supporters and gun control activists, and it seems like there is no middle ground for both parties to agree on. Crime rates influence guns demanded for self-protection, and guns demanded by criminals depend upon guns held by law-abiding citizens. Comparative-static analysis is used to investigate the effects of crime and gun control policies. TheRead More Gun Control Control Laws Decrease Crime Essay540 Words  | 3 Pages Gun Control Since the days of the pioneers of the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting or sport. As we near the end of the 20th century the use of guns has changed significantly. Because of fast and steady increase in crime and the fight for the right to own a hand gun, the introduction of legislation for gun control, to try to reduce the crime in the United States, has been a hotly debated issue in recent years. Although many peopleRead MoreGun Control Must Reduce Violent Crime951 Words  | 4 PagesTech school shootings. Therefore, gun control has been at the center of our country’s debate for many years. The two strong positions on gun control go as follow: The pro-gun control lawmakers believe that stricter or possibly placing a ban on gun laws would reduce violent crime. We all know that a criminal, who cannot buy guns, will steal, borrow or obtain it via other means. The anti-gun control feels that stricter or banning gun is not a solution to solve crimes; rather it place American citizensRead MoreGun Control Laws Will NOT Reduce Crime Essay1336 Words  | 6 PagesGun control laws aim to restrict or regulate firearms by selecting who can sell, buy and possess certain guns. Criminals do not obey laws and stricter gun control laws or banning guns will have little effect on reducing crimes. There are many myths about gun control reducing acts of gun violence, which are simply not true according to research. People are responsible for the crimes, not the guns themselves. Taking guns away fr om United States citizens that use them for many reasons, shooting practiceRead MoreGun Control Must Reduce Violent Crime860 Words  | 4 PagesTech school shootings. Therefore, gun control has been at the center of our country’s debate for many years. The two strong positions on gun control go as follow: The pro-gun control lawmakers believe that stricter or possibly placing a ban on gun laws would reduce violent crime. We all know that a criminal, who cannot buy guns, will steal, borrow or obtain it via other means. The anti-gun control feel that stricter or banning guns is not a solution to solve crimes; rather it put American citizens
The Resurrection of Lazarus free essay sample
Resurrection of Lazarus As I delved into the fantastic longevity of my life, I found myself ready to die. Never had I thought my death to be so timely, yet I had no reason to live. With no reason to struggle against the winds of change anymore, I rather just slide slowly from existence, gliding †¦. Floa†¦ting†¦and gone. I am now self-conscious in the between. Parallel between heaven and earth, sky and space, creation and preservation and suddenly†¦..a window appears. I float toward it. The window shines a bright ruby red and unlocks itself. I glide in its direction, and it slides wide open. I step through its window pane as if looking through the eyes of God. I saw the day break forth as an auspicious work on a pastel painting. Nigh unto the painting stood the artist with an air of magnificence more marvelous than the â€Å"creation†itself. We will write a custom essay sample on The Resurrection of Lazarus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Adorned in an inflexible coat from which both collar and tail reached elongation and curtailment in momentary spasms of time, the being started walking. And the world paused as spectators often do when witnessing a magnificence happening. If the being were in a desert and the wind hot and heavy, a person could steal a single grain of sand without deforming the shape of the airstream sweeping it along. If it were springtime in the mountains, blooming roses could be perceived as encased jewel boxes. Touch them and you control open beauty and an enclosed secret. In a fire, a flame could not flicker or hurt, and a single swipe of the hand would clearly destroy the fire like chalk on a chalk board. When it stopped moving, the day resumed. Upon the garment’s seam sparkled a glorious arrangement of precious stones, both countless as the stars in the heaven and as dazzling as they were bright. The garments even shifted transparency. One moment a glorious light shone and the nextâ₠¬ ¦.nothing. The coat was the object of adornment; embellished by the entity purveyed within its splendor. For rendered under the cowl neck barely visible was an outline of an expression. Pulsing in vibrant colors of blue, then a shade of green, then gold as it looked upon me, and I was forced to look away. Suddenly a brightness brought forth from within the spirit blinds the world of its former appearance, and the world succumbs to the powers of pure light. The world succumbs to its power, transforming itself into a huge white linen room. The design of the room retold the beauty in its corners. A single shadow would not have been found in this place for light conquered every corner and space. The same light, which began from the deity, spoke life into the walls as God walked through the room. The shifting light shown upon the ceiling and there out of the marble stone ancient drawing reveal their selves. Sun, moon, and stars were in the drawing. The creation of all things was in the drawing. All of time was in the drawing. I, Lazarus, was in the drawing. The once transparent light now shines a lovely shade of purple heedless of being seen. Walking at a slow pace, it begins to approach a massive double door standing sixty feet in the air. After coming within an inch of the door, it crea ks a elongated, â€Å"I†and swings shut in a loud boom as if to say, â€Å"†¦am the founder of living waters, the rising day and the morning night. The air you breathe to rise in the morning light. I created all things before anything was. I am, and everything is in me. LAZARUS, COME FORTH!†I awake, wondering why he made me leave.
Andrew Jackson and Trail of Tears Essay Example For Students
Andrew Jackson and Trail of Tears Essay Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians was written by Anthony F.C. Wallace. In his book, the main argument was how Andrew Jackson had a direct affect on the mistreatment and removal of the native Americans from their homelands to Indian Territory. It was a trail of blood, a trail of death, but ultimately it was known as the Trail of Tears. Throughout Jacksons two terms as President, Jackson used his power unjustly. As a man from the Frontier State of Tennessee and a leader in the Indian wars, Jackson loathed the Native Americans. Keeping with consistency, Jackson found a way to use his power incorrectly to eliminate the Native Americans. In May 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed into law the Indian Removal Act. This act required all tribes east of the Mississippi River to leave their lands and travel to reservations in the Oklahoma Territory on the Great Plains. This was done because of the pressure of white settlers who wanted to take over the lands on which the Indians had lived. The white settlers were already emigrating to the Union, or America. The East Coast was burdened with new settlers and becoming vastly populated. President Andrew Jackson and the government had to find a way to move people to the West to make room. In 1830, a new state law said that the Cherokees would be under the jurisdiction of state rather than federal law. This meant that the Indians now had little, if any, protection against the white settlers that desired their land. However, when the Cherokees brought their case to the Supreme Court, they were told that they could not sue on the basis that they were not a foreign nation. In 1832, though, on appeal, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokees were a domestic dependent nation, and therefore, eligible to receive federal protection against the state. However, Jackson essentially overruled the decision. By this, Jackson implied that he had more power than anyone else did and he could enforce the bill himself. This is yet another way in which Jackson abused his presidential power in order to produce a favorable result that complied with his own beliefs. The Indian Removal Act forced all Indians tribes be moved west of the Mississippi River. The Choctaw was the first tribe to leave from the southeast. Three years later the Chickasaw joined them. The Creeks were forced off their land in 1836. In the spring of 1838, the Cherokee became the last of the great southeastern nations to leave their eastern lands. In 1838 and 1839, the United States Army removed the Cherokee people by force with dragnets and held in wooden stockades, except for a few hundred that hid in the mountains in North Carolina. The Cherokees could take only what they could easily carry. The items that a few did take were often ordered to be left behind along the way. People were driven off their land at bayonet or gunpoint. Many of the old and the children died on the road due to the pace, exposure and bad food. They traveled by walking, sometimes without shoes or moccasins, horses, or covered wagons. Transportation was given only to those who could pay for it. Their clothing was thin and their bedding was light. There was not much medical attention because it took them so long to travel this trail. What food supplies were given had been rejected by the whites. Rotten beef and vegetables were the main provisions. The journey on which the Indians traveled brought many deaths. Approximately four thousand of the thirteen thousand Cherokees died on their way due to exposure to the bitter cold, disease, and starvation. .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 , .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .postImageUrl , .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 , .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:hover , .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:visited , .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:active { border:0!important; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:active , .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3 .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u88be324aff351efc2d398305792f5ba3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Water Cycle Questions and Answers This trail was better known as the Trail of Tears. The hardships of the Indian Nations were due to the signed Indian Removal Act that resulted in the Trail of Tears. Anthony F.C. Wallace believed that Jacksons personal emotions toward the Indian Nations directly contributed to the pain and suffering that the Indians had to endure throughout the Trail of Tears. Wallaces facts and point of views are credible because his is a well-known .
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Is there a Place for Faith in God Todays Society free essay sample
This paper analyzes the place of religious belief in todays secular society. and asks can they coexist? The author believes there is a place for both. This paper is a philosophical investigation into the nature and grounds of religious beliefs. The author tries to answer questions regarding the nature of God, the immortality of the soul, the nature of miracles, and the problem of evil. The author uses the writings of Einstein, Russell, Freud and Nietzsche, who pondered these larger questions. A newspaper article is attached/ `There are barriers to the belief of God as much today as there was at the beginning of time. And there have always been those that argue for and against such an existence. The process of faith, of belief is something of a struggle even for those that dont spend a day without the strong after taste of their daily prayer. Religion offers a sense of belonging, a sense of closeness, a sense of meaning in a sometimes cold world. We will write a custom essay sample on Is there a Place for Faith in God Todays Society? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But secularism offers its own set of strengths and reliefs that are not found in religion. But this biggest argument concerning religion is the one that comes because of the deep contrast it makes with the laws of science; somehow, things have just never lined up. We live in a world that says, If you cant see it, it cant be true.`
Friday, April 17, 2020
Sample Essay With Sources - You Have to Know the Value of a Sample Essay With Sources
Sample Essay With Sources - You Have to Know the Value of a Sample Essay With SourcesYou have to know the value of a sample essay with sources when you are preparing for your report. A well-written essay, especially one that is written from a real expert's point of view, will set the tone for the rest of your work. A quality report or the best teacher will mean something different to students who have not read a sample essay with sources before, than it does to students who have done so.Students are looking for the chance to get a feel for what their peers are doing and getting through to their teachers. For this reason, they will usually show a great deal of interest in students who have spent a little time learning how to write quality essays. One way to encourage this kind of learning is to offer them the opportunity to write an essay with sources from a sample essay.Writing a real essay is one thing, but writing one from a sample can be quite a challenge. It takes a certain kind of writer to even begin to approach the task with any level of success. The sample essay with sources gives the student the opportunity to write an essay that has been professionally edited and polished, rather than one that has come out of someone's 'head.'This is why it is so important to consider not only the style of writing that the sample essay with sources requires but to get it right from the start. In order to make sure that the essay comes out right, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. First, it is essential that you have a document that contains all of the research that you will need to write. Second, you will need to include all of the facts that you will need to get across as part of the essay, along with a list of references that you will use.With the information about the purpose of the sample essay with sources that you will need to provide, you can then begin to see the types of sources that you will need to use. You will need to find the best sourc es that are available, no matter where you are located. A good resource for finding resources for your local area will be in your school library. However, if you cannot find these resources there, you will have to turn to other places for answers.There are many resource centers and websites that you can turn to when you are searching for these kinds of materials. If you cannot find them within your school or university, you can turn to your local library or to anyplace else that you can think of that would be able to accommodate you. No matter where you go, you will find that it is easier than ever to find a source for your essay.One thing to remember about these sources is that you should always try to get the information that you need before you write your essay. It is important to know what types of things are covered in the essay, and what the essay will focus on. By knowing the subject that you are going to be focusing on, you will be better able to know what the content of the essay will be about, as well as what type of sources to use.When you know the type of essay that you want to write, and you know what the points of the essay will be, it will be much easier to find the right sources and to prepare the essay for submission. However, many people make the mistake of assuming that the samples are there for them. In order to get the most use out of the samples, it is imperative that you do the proper research, understand the information that you are using, and give the appropriate amount of attention to your assignment.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Critically Discuss How Identity Is Successfully Used As A Form Of Organizational Control The WritePass Journal
Critically Discuss How Identity Is Successfully Used As A Form Of Organizational Control Introduction Critically Discuss How Identity Is Successfully Used As A Form Of Organizational Control ). This example shows the importance of managing identity to motivate employees in an organization. Therefore, managers should take into account  Alvesson and Willmott’s (2002) eight methods of regulating identity in organizations, such as knowledge and skills; the rules of the game and hierarchical location, to better understand different ways of managing identity and successfully carry them out in the workplace. Overall, identity is a true essence of who and what the organization is. It is a significant organizing element for everything people say and do in the workplace and it affects the characters, values, communications, decisions and strategies of the organization. Organization with a strong identity becomes easier to make decisions and solve their internal conflicts. Employees can clearly know what is expected of them, understand the company and also feel part of the team. Ethical ambiguities and some other issues still affect the idea of identity regulation in organizational control. Moreover, due to the fast changing pace of business life at present, identity cannot be ‘enduring’ in the organization and it may change with the surrounding environments. For example, the Equality Act 2010 presents a new ‘protected’ status to certain social groups which may influence employees’ sense of identity and identification. Thus, management practitioners have to d eeply understand the different methods of identity management proposed by Kenny et al.’s (2011) and Alvesson and Willmott’s (2002) and then integrate those methods to solve the existing challenges in the working environment so as to successfully use identity as a form in organizational control. References Albert,S. and Whetten,D.A. (1985). Organizational identity. Research in organizational behavior, 7, pp.263-295. Alvesson,M. (2000). Social identity and the problem of loyalty in knowledge-intensive companies. Journal of Management Studies, 37 (6), pp.1101-1123. Alvesson,M. and Willmott,H. (2002). Identity Regulation as Organizational Control: Producing the Appropriate Individual. Journal of Management Studies, 39 (5), pp.619-644. Buchanan,D. And Huczynski, A. (2004). Organizational Behavior. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson. Collinson,D. (2003). Identities and insecurities: selves at work. Organization, 10 (3), pp.527-547. Du Gay, P. (1996). Consumption and Identity at Work. London: Sage. Dutton, J., Dukerich,J. and Harquail,C.V. (1994). Organizational images and member identification. Administrative Science Quarterly, 39, pp. 239-263. Elstak, M.N. and Van Riel, C.B.M. (2004). Closing ranks: how a collective threat shifts salience from organizational to corporate identity. Best Papers. Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. New Orleans. Fondas,N. (1997). Feminization unveiled: management qualities in contemporary writings. Academy of Management Review, 22, pp.257-282. Ford, R. C., McLaughlin, F. S., and Newstrom, J. W. (2003). Questions and answers about fun at work. Human Resource Planning, 26(4), pp.18-33. Fleming, P. and Sturdy, A.J.(2009). Just Be Yourself Towards Neo-Normative Control in Organizations. Employee Relations, 31(6), pp. 569 583. Gardner,W.L. and Avolio,B.J. (1998). Charismatic leadership, a dramaturgical perspective. Academy of Management Review, 23 (1), pp.32-58. Gioia,D.A. and Thomas,J.(1996). Identity, image and issue interpretation: sensemaking during strategic change in academia. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41, pp.370-403. Humphreys,M. and Brown,A.D.(2002). Narratives of organizational identity and identification: a case study of hegemony and resistance. Organization Studies, 23 (3), pp.421-447. Kenny,K., Whittle,A.and Willmott,H. (2011). Understanding Identity and Organizations. Sage publications. Kitay, J. and Wright, C. (2007). From prophers to profits: the occupational rhetoric of management consultants. Human Relations, 60(11), pp.1613-1640. Knighs,D. and Willmott,H.C. (1999). Management Lives: Power and Identity in Contemporary Organizations. London:Sage. Mattewman,L.J., Rose, A. and Hetherington,A. eds. (2009). Work Psychology: An Introduction to Human Behaviour in the Workplace. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Moor, M.(2012). Mass suicide protest at Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory. [Online]. (URL 2014. (Accessed 09 Dec 2014). O’Conner, E.J. and Annison, M.H. (2002). Building trust and collaboration between physicians and administrators. The Physician Executive, 28, pp.48-52. Puusa, A. (2006). Conducting Research on Organizational Identity. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 11, pp. 24-28. Rose,M. (1988). Industrial Behaviour: Theoretical Development Since Taylor. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Schwartz,H.S. (1987). On the psycho-dynamics of organizational disaster: the case of the space shuttle Challenger. Columbia Journal of World Business, 22(1), pp.59-67. Southwest’s Airlines Careers (2014). Southwests Core. [Online]. (URL 2014. (Accessed 13 December 2014). Taylor, F.W. (2005). The Principles of Scientific Management. 1st ed. First World Library-Literary Society. Whetten,D.A.(2006). Albert and Whetten Revised Strengthening the Concept of Organizational Identity. Journal of Management Inquiry, 15(3), pp.219-234. Zuboff,S. (1988). In the Age of the Smart Machine. New York: Basic Books.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Bernoullis Principle
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION: Bernoullis Principle is a physical phenomenon that was named after the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli who lived during the eighteenth century. Bernoulli studied the relationship of the speed of a fluid and pressure. The Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) discovered the principle that bears his name while conducting experiments concerning an even more fundamental concept: the conservation of energy. This is a law of physics that holds that a system isolated from all outside factors maintains the same total amount of energy, though energy transformations from one form to another take place. writing help service The principle states that the pressure of a fluid [liquid or gas] decreases as the speed of the fluid increases. Within the same fluid (air in the example of aircraft moving through air), high-speed flow is associated with low pressure, and low-speed flow is associated with high pressure. OBJECTIVE: *USE BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE TO EXPLAIN HOW THE ENERGY OF A FLUID AND ITS PRESSSURE ARE RELATED. *EXPLAIN SOME SITUATIONS USING BERNOULLI’S PRINCIPLE. SCOPE: *the first fly of airplane In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution for information about flight experiments, the Wright Brothers designed their first aircraft: a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping. Wing warping is a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircrafts rolling motion and balance. * Thursday 2 June-06-011 VORTEX CLIMBER: Researchers at the University of Canterbury can make a robot stick to walls through pressurized air. The non-contact adhesive pad, or air gripper, uses the Bernoulli principle. The feet of the robot dont actually touch the wall but are held 25 micrometers away about 0. 025 mm. Air is squirted out from the feet sideways at high speed, causing a low pressure vortex that creates a * Morgan County students compete at wind generator contest at GCSU related news 2011-05-12 Hard work paid off for 8th grade students at Morgan County Middle School as their teams placed second and third in the 1st Annual Middle Grades Wind Power Competition at Georgia College and State University today, Monday, May 9, 2011. The competition was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, and highlighted Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM) Education. * How cats drink: A lesson in fluid mechanics related news 2010-11-12 Philadelphia Daily News By Tom Avril Inquirer Staff Writer In the annals of animals who have contributed to science, there are Laika the Soviet space dog; Koko, the gorilla who is said to use sign language; and Lancelot, the blind dog who regained some vision after gene therapy at the University of Pennsylvania. And now, Cutta Cutta, the cat? The feline did not exactly provide a cure for cancer, but he has made something * When airplanes fall from the sky related news 2009-06-07 Arab News Chris Impey | LA Times Ive traveled more than five million miles by air  far enough to get to the moon and back 10 times  but I still get a sense of amazement when Im in a fully laden 747 and we lift off. A million pounds of metal traveling at more than 200 mph, countering the force of gravity. Its a minor miracle. Which is why it is so shocking when planes fall from the sky, as happened Chapter II: RELATED STUDIES: *Archimedes principle (Hydrostatics) Archimedes principle that states that a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. The principle applies to both floating and submerged bodies and to all fluids, i. e. , liquids and gases. It explains not only the buoyancy of ships and other vessels in water but also the rise of a balloon in the air and the apparent loss of weight of objects underwater *Hydrodynamics A liquid or gas flows from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. This happens, for example, when water is squeezed from a sponge or squirted from a hose. The flow of a liquid or gas can be laminar (smooth) or turbulent (rough and eddying). *Torricellis Theorem Is an application of the Law of Falling Bodies to liquids. This theorem was derived by the Italian physicist Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647). It states that a liquid flowing from an outlet in a tank has the same speed as an object falling freely from the level of the liquids surface to the level of the outlet. The theorem also states that a jet of water rises to the level of its source, unless opposed by friction. Torricellis Theorem explains the action of an artesian well. *Pascals Law, The law states that pressure upon the fluid at any point will be transmitted uniformly throughout the fluid. In the case of a gas, a pressure increase causes compression (uniform lessening of volume). Liquids, however, are not compressible. An increase of pressure at any point upon a contained liquid will result in an increase of pressure at every point upon the walls of the container; the volume of the liquid remains the same. Pascals Law explains the action of a hydraulic press and similar devices. Aerodynamics Aerodynamics is the study of air flow over airplanes, cars, and other objects. Airplanes fly because of the way in which air flows over their wings and around their bodies, so a knowledge of aerodynamics is crucial to the design and construction of airplanes. The efficiency with which automobiles use fuel is also a function of air flow. Even stationary objects are affected by aerodynamics. Winds blowing past a tall building, for example, may cause windows to pop out if they are not properly designed and installed. RELATED LETERATURE: *Hydrodynamica By Daniel Bernoulli He considered the properties of basic importance in fluid flow, particularly pressure, density, and velocity, and set forth their fundamental relationship. He put forward what is called Bernoulli’s principle, which states that the pressure in a fluid decreases as its velocity increases. He also established the basis *Liquids and Gases: Principles of Fluid Mechanics Book by Paul Fleisher; Lerner, 2002 Subjects: Fluid MechanicsJuvenile Literature Bernoulli’s principle works just as well with liquids. Most chemistry labs have a piece on, it rushes past the side tube at a high speed. According to Bernoulli’s principle, high velocity creates low pressure. So the side tube generates *Principles of Experimental Phonetics Book by Norman J. Lass; Mosby, 1996 Subjects: Phonetics, Experimental, Speech can be described in the oversimplified terms of Bernoulli’s principle Lieberman, 1968 . Consider that airflow through and therefore the potential energy must decrease. Bernoulli’s equation demonstrates that pressure falls at the *Principles of Economics Vol. 2 Book by C. W. Guillebaud, Alfred Marshall; Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society, 1961 Subjects: Economics poor in equal proportions, price becomes a fair measure of utility; provided allowance is made for collective wealth. 3. Bernoullis suggestion. The edge of enjoyment blunted by familiarity. Superior nobility of collective over private use of wealth. pp * Encyclopedia of Earth and Physical Sciences Vol. 4 Book by Marshall Cavendish; Marshall Cavendish, 2005 Subjects: Earth SciencesEncyclopedias, Physical SciencesEncyclopedias tends to counteract the effect. Bernoulli’s principle explains how airplanes it does over the bottom. From Bernoulli’s equation, as the velocity of lift. Curveballs also rely on Bernoulli’s principle. Putting a spin on a baseball * Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries: All the Milestones in IngenuityFrom the Discovery of Fire to the Invention of the Microwave Oven Book by Rodney Carlisle; Wiley, 2004 Subjects: InventionsHistoryEncyclopedias, InventionsUnited StatesEncyclopedias, Technological InnovationsEncyclopedias, TechnologyHistoryEncyclopedias was not developed until 1761. Bernoulli’s principle In 1738, the Swiss natural philosopher ower surface, creating lift. Bernoulli’s principle is employed in the VI and in boat-keel design. Bernoulli’s principle can be used to explain CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY: Upon gathering data, direct observation was made to add some knowledge to us about the Bernoulli’s principle. Related books and magazines as the primary tool of the study were used. Books and information from internet were also used as the other sources of additional knowledge about the principle of Bernoulli’s, we also asked some physics teacher about the matter that we have.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Television Programming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Television Programming - Essay Example Everyone is responsible for what they watch, and therefore it becomes a personal decision when it comes to what one chooses to belief. Television advertising and programming are known to affect people’s perceptions and believes (Myers & Biocca, 1992). Visual programming and advertising can alter the way someone sees her body and this is particularly so among women as it affects them most. An example can be seen whereby the media advertisements and programming most of them portray the perfect body of a woman to be thin (Myers & Biocca, 1992). There are those advertisements and programmes that promote dieting and cutting weight which show that the body of a woman is targeted in most programming and advertisements. One is likely to follow these advertisements and programmes by starting to cut on weight. A woman’s body is exposed as something that is viewed for its attractiveness, that it should be slender. The impact that such programming and such advertising has is mostly seen by the increase in the number of women who are dieting and the number of television programmes that host shows about slimming. Advertisements are meant to appeal to the wider populace. An advertisement aims at ensuring that people note whatever product is being advertised (Bhargava, 2009), people who watch advertisements are likely to buy a certain product because of its advertisement in the same way a programme would affect someone. A person who watches a specific programmed would like to have the kind of life style that is portrayed in the programme (Petronio, 2007). Most of these programmes usually portray the American culture, people would like to mimic the behavior of the people in those programmes or the lifestyles that are shown in the programmes, and in effect, they copy the American culture.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Describe your ideal company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Describe your ideal company - Essay Example Additionally, these steps can assist a potential employee in carrying out self-evaluation to determine their personal needs in the job market. The first stage is known as the self-assessment stage. At this stage, an employee determines his/her preferred skills, the most suitable working conditions expected. Moreover, the employee analyzes the interests and values expected from the job. The second stage involves the employee exploring their options. This step involves exploring occupations and conducting research market. The next phase in career planning involves decision-making. This is the stage whereby an individual evaluates the available information relating to their personal profile and matches them with a suitable market opportunity. At this stage, setting of career goals is also accomplished, and the relevant steps required for achieving the goals are set. The last stage involves taking action by identifying the possible occupations at the disposal of the person seeking employment (Mather, 2011: 18). My ideal workplace would be at Sotheby’s. The company specializes in auctioneering and specialty retail. Additionally, it is a public company trading in the New York Securities Exchange market. The company was founded in the United Kingdom but is currently headquartered in New York City in the United States. However, it has more than 90 divisions in more than 40 countries worldwide. The company’s operations are divided into three lines of businesses namely auction, finance and dealer. The company additionally deals in brokerage of fines, decorative art and jewelry and other collectibles. Due to its diversified business portfolio, Sotheby’s is the largest art business. In reference to the financial report for 2012, the company made sales worth more than $5.8 Billion. In line with Hofstede’s perspective on culture, the company deals with employees of different cultures. However, in an effort to avoid stereotyping
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay on the Use of Profanity by William Shakespeare :: Biography Biographies Essays
Use of Profanity by Shakespeare     The evolution of written profanity began roughly in the sixteenth century, and continues to change with each generation that it sees. Profanity is recognized in many Shakespearean works, and has continually evolved into the profane language used today. Some cuss words have somehow maintained their original meanings throughout hundreds of years, while many others have completely changed meaning or simply fallen out of use.             William Shakespeare, though it is not widely taught, was not a very clean writer. In fact, he was somewhat of a potty mouth. His works encompassed a lot of things that some people wish he had not. "That includes a fair helping of sex, violence, crime, horror, politics, religion, anti-authoritarianism, anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia, sexism, jealousy, profanity, satire, and controversy of all kinds" (Macrone 6). In his time, religious and moral curses were more offensive than biological curses. Most all original (before being censored) Shakespearean works contain very offensive profanity, mostly religious, which is probably one of many reasons that his works were and are so popular. "Shakespeare pushed a lot of buttons in his day- which is one reason he was so phenomenally popular. Despite what they tell you, people like having their buttons pushed" (Macrone 6). Because his works contained so many of these profane words or phrases, they were censored to protect the innocent minds of the teenagers who are required to read them, and also because they were blasphemous and offensive. Almost all of the profanity was removed, and that that was not had just reason for being there. Some of the Bard's censored oaths are;             "God's blessing on your beard"            Love's Labors Lost, II.i.203             This was a very rude curse because a man's facial hair was a point of pride for him. and "to play with someone's beard" was to insult him.             "God's body"            1 Henry IV,II.i.26            Swearing by Christ's body, (or any part thereof,) was off limits in civil discourse.            "God's Bod(y)kins, man"            Hamlet, II.ii.529              The word bod(y)kin means "little body" or "dear body," but adding the cute little suffix does not make this curse any more acceptable.             "By God's [blest] mother!"            2 Henry VI, II.i;            3 Henry VI, III.ii;            Henry VIII, V.i             Swearing by the virgin was almost as rude as swearing by her son, especially when addressing a catholic cathedral as Gloucester did in 2 Henry VI, II.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
The Haqqani Network: Terrorists or Insurgents
The definition of terrorism is broad and open to interpretation. Hoffman, in his book Inside Terrorism, suggests that terrorism is â€Å"the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear through violence or the threat of violence in the pursuit of political change. †Schwartz, Dunkel, et al, define terrorism in their Studies in Conflict & Terrorism article entitled Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective, as â€Å"the deliberate targeting of civilian sites for attacks designed to result in destruction of those sites and/or the injury and death of noncombatant civilians. Together, these two perspectives coupled with identity theory and will serve as the basis for an evaluation of the Haqqani network and their interrelationships and interactions with known terrorist groups such as the Taliban and al-Qa’ida as well as with Pakistan’s military and government intelligence agencies.The Haqqani Network: Who Are They and Why do We Care? The Haqqani network is an Af ghan and Pakistani group of fighters that operates primarily in southeastern Afghanistan as a semi-autonomous component of the Taliban with close ties to Pakistan’s Army and intelligence agencies (Rassler et al. July 14, 2011, p. -2). The Haqqani network’s leadership structure is hierarchical in nature with members of the patriarch’s family filling top leadership roles (Rassler et al. July 14, 2011, p. 7). This familial structure is an important cultural identity marker â€Å"that can serve to promote terrorist activities. †Furthermore, Schwartz, Dunkel, et al address the family as it relates to upholding honor and â€Å"avenging wrongs done to the family. †This is interesting because even those who sympathize and support terrorism, but don’t actually participate in it, often share the same level of social identity based upon their group affiliations.This tends to show how the Haqqani network is able to exert its influence over their colle ague groups without actually having to be in control of them. It appears to be a symbiotic relationship where the Haqqani network clearly benefits from bi-directional credibility of association with the Taliban and al-Qa’ida. Rassler et al support this claim when they discuss the relationship between senior Haqqani network leaders and their close operational relationships with the Taliban and al-Qa’ida, revealing that there is often no distinction.This shared identity-based connection legitimizes the Haqqani network with the segment of the Afghan society that believes in radical Islam and jihad. This was evidenced when the Haqqani network helped â€Å"sustain al-Qa’ida’s relevance and branding as the leader of the global jihadist movement. †All in all, it appears the Haqqani network just wants their proverbial place at the table so to speak. Clearly, it must be working, as current assessments put the strength of the group close to 15,000 fighters. The Haqqani Network: Duplicity at WorkAmerican intelligence and military officials claim the Haqqani network is a â€Å"proxy force used by the Pakistani intelligence service [Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence {ISI} agency] to carry out grisly, high-profile attacks. †The question here is whether this is a relationship of convenience or an alliance due to shared identity. The secret relationship with ISI coupled with links to al-Qa’ida and the Taliban clearly shows the need to solicit support (e. g. , material, financial, spiritual, etc. ) and ultimately rally the masses behind them.Furthermore, â€Å"for decades, [the Haqqani network has been] a mentor to Arab, Uzbek, Chechen, Turkish, and Pakistani jihadists. †These associations speak to the core of shared identity and the interactions among the groups, as according to Schwartz, Dunkel, et al social and cultural identity is formed when members come together based upon common beliefs shared across the group, and individual identity represents personally chosen goals, values, and beliefs coupled with their perspectives of the world around them.The study of terrorism necessitates (according to Schwartz, Dunkel, et al) that we not only understand the effects of identity, but also the interactions among these levels. In addition, we need to look at the importance of the wider community as Schwartz, Dunkel, et al put it, â€Å"Without local, and sometimes international support, those engaged in terrorist attacks would find it substantially more difficult, if not impossible, to conduct their activities. †Working with the Taliban, al-Qa’ida, and Pakistan’s ISI is a duplicitous role that provides â€Å"credibility within, and across, multiple dimensions of jihad†(Rassler et al.July 14, 2011, p. 5) establishing the shared identity necessary to imbue respect and connectivity as part of an influential group dynamic. Why is all this important? The Haqqani ne twork’s credibility in the region, especially with the tribal groups of Afghanistan, helps extend the Taliban’s reach and because the Haqqani network is effective militarily, they act as a force multiplier for the Taliban. This puts the Haqqani network in a regional leadership position, and Schwartz, Dunkel, et al suggest that this leadership role would be considered admirable providing further social capital.The Haqqani Network: Terrorist Threat or Insurgency? So with such a significant fighting force that is radicalized, is the Haqqani network a terrorist organization pitted against Western ideology, or is it simply an insurgency focused on eradicating outsiders who have forced their way into the Afghani homeland? According to the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism of the Department of State as of September 15, 2011, the Haqqani network is not listed as a foreign terrorist organization. Despite this, according to the Jamestown Foundation Terrorism Monitor , â€Å"The U.S. military has long been frustrated by deadly operations carried out against its troops in Afghanistan by Haqqani Network forces. †They quote U. S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as saying, â€Å"We cannot have the Haqqanis coming across the border attacking our forces and [Afghans] and disappearing back into a safe haven [in Pakistan]. †In between the rhetoric, the real reason they aren’t on the terrorist list is because there is a belief that, â€Å"such a move would scuttle any chances that the group might make peace with Afghanistan’s government. To make our decision, it is essential that we not lose sight of the need to fairly evaluate this group from the point of view of that group and not from the â€Å"Westernized†framework we can easily apply to it. Brannan, Esler, and Strindberg, point out that, â€Å"Scholars’ insistence that ‘terrorists’ are somehow ‘not like us’ but, instead, abnorma lâ€â€insane, power hungry, or a combination of bothâ€â€is a classic exercise in out-group stereotyping†¦which undermines the analytical utility of the interpretations in use. Applying this to the Haqqani network and to prevent us from being constrained by our (Western) cultural boundaries, it is incumbent upon us to look at the Haqqani network from their vantage point. The clearest and most-recent message came in September of 2011 when Sirajuddin Haqqani (the son of the group’s patriarch, Jalaluddin Haqqani) told The Telegraph in the United Kingdom via a telephone interview, â€Å"There are sincere people in the Afghan government who are loyal to the Taliban as they know our goal is the liberation of our homeland from the clutches of occupying forces. With this, their actions, and their relationships, it is apparent that the Haqqani network is interested more in the local issues and having local influence than it is in trying to wage a global jihad against the W est. A such, their lack of inclusion from the list of terrorist organizations is still valid. Bibliography Brannan, David W. , Esler, Philip F. , and Strindberg, N. T. Anders. 2001. â€Å"Talking to â€Å"Terrorists†: Towards an Independent Analytical Framework for the Study of Violent Substate Activism. †Studies In Conflict & Terrorism 24, no. 1: 3-24. Goodspeed, Peter. National Post, â€Å"About the Haqqani network. Last modified September 30, 2011. Accessed November 24, 2011. http://news. nationalpost. com/2011/09/30/about-the-haqqani-network Griffin, Emory. A First Look at Communication Theory. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997. Hoffman, Bruce. Inside Terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006. Mazzetti, Mark, Scott Shane, and Alissa Rubin. New York Times, â€Å"Brutal Haqqani Crime Clan Bedevils U. S. in Afghanistan. †Last modified September 24, 2011. Accessed November 23, 2011. http://www. nytimes. com/2011/09/25/world/asia/brutal- haqqani-clan-bedevils-united-states-in-afghanistan. html? pagewanted=all.Rassler, Don, and Vahid Brown. The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, â€Å"The Haqqani Nexus and the Evolution of al-Qa'ida. †Last modified July 14, 2011. Accessed November 11, 2011. www. ctc. usma. edu. Shahzad, Faizul. â€Å"Taliban Reject American Perceptions of the Haqqani-ISI Relationship. †Terrorism Monitor. 9. no. 37 (2011): 1-2. http://www. jamestown. org/uploads/media/TM_009_Issue37. pdf (accessed November 10, 2011). Schwartz, S. J. , Dunkel, C. S. , & Waterman, A. S. (2009). Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 32(6), 540. Websites Referenced http://www. cfr. org http://www. tc. usma. edu http://www. dawn. com http://www. foreignaffairs. com http://www. jamestown. org http://news. nationalpost. com http://www. nytimes. com/ http://www. state. gov http://www. telegraph. co. uk http://www. thedailybeast. com http://tribune. com. pk h ttp://www. understandingwar. org/themenode/haqqani-network â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside Terrorism (2nd ed. ). New York, NY: Columbia University Press. p. 40. [ 2 ]. Schwartz, S. J. , Dunkel, C. S. , & Waterman, A. S. (2009). Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 32(6), 537-559. 3 ]. Ibid (p. 540)â€â€Identity theory for our purposes will cover cultural identity, social identity, and personal identity. [ 4 ]. Rassler, Don, and Vahid Brown. The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, â€Å"The Haqqani Nexus and the Evolution of al-Qa'ida. †Last modified July 14, 2011. Accessed November 12, 2011, www. ctc. usma. edu. [ 5 ]. The Haqqani network’s patriarch and leader is Jalaluddin Haqqani, although it is reported that he may be in ill health, and his son, Sirajuddin Haqqani, is running the day-to-day opera tions. http://www. cfr. org/afghanistan/institute-study-war-haqqani-network/p26126 [ 6 ].Schwartz, S. J. , Dunkel, C. S. , & Waterman, A. S. (2009). Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 32(6), 542. [ 7 ]. Ibid. [ 8 ]. Ibid (p. 548) [ 9 ]. Much like the traditional phrase, â€Å"guilt by association,†I suggest there could be credibility by association. It is concept that is often discussed in marketing whereby a person, product, or company gains credibility by associating itself with a larger more recognized person, product, or company (e. g. , a computer with the â€Å"Intel Inside†sticker on it). [ 10 ]. Rassler, Don, and Vahid Brown.The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, â€Å"The Haqqani Nexus and the Evolution of al-Qa'ida. †Last modified July 14, 2011. Accessed November 12, 2011, www. ctc. usma. edu. (p. 40) [ 11 ]. Ibid (p. 43). [ 12 ]. http://tribune. com. pk/story/259314/sirajuddin-haqqani-dares-us-to-atta ck-n-waziristan/ [ 13 ]. Mazzetti, Mark, Scott Shane, and Alissa Rubin. New York Times, â€Å"Brutal Haqqani Crime Clan Bedevils U. S. in Afghanistan. †Last modified September 24, 2011. Accessed November 23, 2011. http://www. nytimes. com/2011/09/25/world/asia/brutal-haqqani-clan-bedevils-united-states-in-afghanistan. html? pagewanted=all. [ 14 ].Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside Terrorism (2nd ed. ). New York, NY: Columbia University Press. p. 199. [ 15 ]. Goodspeed, Peter. National Post, â€Å"About the Haqqani network. †Last modified September 30, 2011. Accessed November 24, 2011. http://news. nationalpost. com/2011/09/30/about-the-haqqani-network [ 16 ]. Schwartz, S. J. , Dunkel, C. S. , & Waterman, A. S. (2009). Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 32(6), 540. [ 17 ]. Ibid. [ 18 ]. Ibid (p. 548) [ 19 ]. Rassler, Don, and Vahid Brown. The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, â€Å"The Haqqani Nexus and the Evolution of al-Qa' ida. Last modified July 14, 2011. Accessed November 12, 2011, www. ctc. usma. edu. (p. 13) [ 20 ]. Schwartz, S. J. , Dunkel, C. S. , & Waterman, A. S. (2009). Terrorism: An Identity Theory Perspective. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 32(6), 550. [ 21 ]. The current list of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations contains 49 entries, but the Haqqani Network is not one of them. http://www. state. gov/s/ct/rls/other/des/123085. htm [ 22 ]. Faizul Shahzad, â€Å"Taliban Reject American Perceptions of the Haqqani-ISI Relationship,†Terrorism Monitor, 9, no. 37 (2011): 1-2, http://www. jamestown. org/uploads/media/TM_009_Issue37. pdf (accessed November
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